
« Just my silly me and my dog »



So I was walking with my doggie, in the snow and heard on of my favorite song's "Standing Still" from U-Kiss. The world was fine even with snow falling down on me, making me a walking snowman.

I thought the sky was going to break down, so heavy it snowed.

Okay, the song switched to Lee Hi's "Special" one song I can sing  and I walked while singing, my doggie pulling me forward like every other day.

I missed that it was slippy outside because of the wet snow and I fell really hard on my back.

I thought by myself as the refrain came from Lee Hi's song: “Yeah I'm really special. God likes me a lot.”

So as I laid there, my dog not noticing that I fell, I watched the snow falling, to lazy to stay up and thought I should do the best out of the situation I was in. So I made a snow angel, and I think he really looked like one for a short time.

But my dog finally noticed that I wasn't with him so he looked for me, spotted me and ran to me. Not that I complain usually he doesn't. 

My dog jumped up and down on my chest. He was like: “Yay! Don't stay up ever again„ he really was so freaking excited, I thought I would die from air lost.

I swear, It took me almost 30 ing minutes to calm my hyper dog down and to stand up...

I really love days in march when it snows...



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Kasumi-chan #1
Oh your dog realy love you...(irony)
Is there realy so much snow that you can make a snowangel?