i never thought..

me and my mom went to the house of her bestfriend..

and guess what..


i saw my CRUSH there...
i wanted to run back to our car and fix my hair..

but it's all too late..

my mom introduced me to him...
the conversation went like this..


MOM: (my name) this is Christian....

me: H-hi..

C: Hi!..so we are from the same department ryt?
you are already  in 2nd yr ryt?

Me: yeah,,..how about you...


we talked for a while..then my mom and his mom went inside..

Mom:(my name) He is your 2nd Cousin..

His mom: yup..

Me: a-a-a-a-ahhh...hi cousin.. broken heart

C: h-h-hi...hehehe,,i didn't know..

me: so did i..


do you know how it feels to know that the person that you had a crush on for more than 5 months is actually your cousin?..
it hurts..T_T


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ShiningIcecreamNinja #1
Wow... Amazing story! You should write a fanfic about this! Haha:)
i already cheered up..hehhe..he texted me..XD
Oh gosh.. D:
That's what happens in dramas, didn't expect it to happen in reality too.
Cheer up okay? :)