

SugarMelodies : Bang Alira
 MIssInvader  ;zOE;5

This is "MIssInvader"app form


Hello Venus  ! 


Names- Bang Alira

Nicknames- Al,Air,Aira,and Skittles

Birthday- February 2nd,1995

Age- 18 year olds

Bloodtype- O

Birthplace- Busan,South Korea

HomeTown- Las Vegas,Nevada

This is I,My,Me,Mine

Personality- She is a forceful, independent girl who often speak her mind. She had an energetic, lively personality which make her become friends with people easily(Sometimes).She is also  quick-witted and funny and could often make others laugh even when they were feeling down or mad.When mad,Alira had a sharp tongue, and had no trouble standing up to others.Alira is generally sensitive to others' emotions, and would lie when she had to, though she was not a skilled liar.Alira is highly intelligent and unusually perceptive but choose to hide it by acting dumb to make people laugh but she will show it when she have to.She has an uncanny way of making others uncomfortable by being bluntly honest without trying to.She love to paint in her free time which is why her dorm room and parents house are fill with paintings.She has come to the aid of her rivals, even consistently feeling compassion towards or helping people who try to make her life miserable. She has repeatedly expressed extreme disapproval in attacking or hurting anyone unable to defend him or herself.  She has also apologized for her behavior, once she has had time to cool down or learn the facts.She is not above using her considerable feminine charms to get her way.She despite her lackadaisical image, she can be extremely serious when needed.She is highly mischievous, and tends to get bored rather easily.Alira also has a horrible sense of direction, many times leading people to the wrong destination.She is an accomplished actress, being able to act her way through a number of tough situations, such as getting out of trouble with Older Adults or convincing her friends to let her stay at their house. 


  1. Sweets
  2. Art
  3. Jokes
  4. Sweets
  5. Cute Boys
  6. Hip Hop Music
  7. Harry Potter
  8. Babies


  1. Animals
  2. Bugs
  3. Bully's
  4. Snobs
  5. Dirt
  6. Boring people
  7. Ballad Music
  8. Musical Plays


  1. Painting
  2. Pulling Pranks
  3. Writing
  4. Looking At Boys
  5. Shopping for Sweets


  1. Bit lips when Nervous
  2. Vocie Goes High when Trying to be cute or Lying
  3. Start cussing in English when Mad
  4. Rambles when Stress or Happy(Most of the time)
  5. Paint when Sad
  6. Daydream while people are talking to her


  • Sneaks to where only boys are allow
  • Get into a disagreement with her manger at least 3 times a week
  • Favorite color is Orange
  • Favorite Super Hero is Batman
  • A Big Fan of Big Bang and Orange Caramel
  • Attend Collage for Culinary
  • Idol Type is B.A.P Daehyun



Mirror Mirror on the wall

 change hyuna to ulzzang

Ulzzang choice no.1- Jin Jae Young


Ulzzang choice no. 2- Park Hwan Hui


My Family...


Bang Kyungdo|| Owner of an Snack Company || He is a very selfless and generous person, always trying to help others in need even if it means causing harm to himself. He is very independent and skilled in many things, i.e being a good cook, housekeeper, and he can even identify fake works of art with one glimpse.His poor empathy is always troubling him as he always misunderstands the feelings of people around him. || Father

Bang Rosie || Fashion Designer || She is often found drinking alcohol, and always having debts just because she does not have money to pay for the alcohol.She also pushes her roles on other people, especially her friends.She speaks rather boyish and likes to cause trouble for fun.Rosie is short-tempered and aggressive, traits she shares with her friend which leads to them often fighting.|| Mother

Bang Kia || Lawyer|| She is very quiet and has a destructive tendency. This destructive tendency came from her frustration at having to be completely perfect for her mother's sake, then being mocked and put down by the very person she worked so hard for. Kis is complicated; she is aggressive and unkind, wielding words as a weapon to keep people away from her.|| Cousin

Bang Mira || Student || Mira is kind, easy-going, and a very caring person who would do anything for her friends. She usually hates getting into trouble and very rarely breaks rules.Mira suffers from claustrophobia and freaks out if she is locked in a small space for a long time.  Possibly her most prominent trait is that Mira, unlike her sister, is not tough,and even when furious, she has never physically attacked anyone.|| Sister

Bang Zyungok || N/A || He is cheery, bubbly, upbeat, energetic and is smiling most of the time, he can be somewhat absent-minded, random, and naive. Despite this, he has been shown to have some intelligence. His fun-loving personality is evident in his frequent giggling and laughing.|| Brother

Background-She was born as Alira Bang to Kyungdo Bang and Rosie Smith.When Alira became seriously ill and her parents need to go on a business trip for 3 years, Kyungdo and Rosie left Alira with her Cousin, took care of her until her parents return for her.Angel sent presents,Letters,and Money from them. According to her best friend, she was the only kid in her old school who didn't have parents that took care of her. During her early years in the school, Alira was frequently bullied by others due to her large forehead. To try and combat this, Alira used her bangs to hide her forehead, fuelling the other kids' teasing by indicating she was sensitive about it.When Alira was 11 years old, parents came back and they move to Busan for her father new job.When Alira was 17 years old,Her parents adopted a 13 year old and gave birth to an boy.


Choi Sooyoung || SNSD || She often ignores other people's advice and does things her own way, which usually results in the outcome being better than predicted. She is kind and cares for those she loves.She has vicarious fun dressing up people "like a baby doll" and decorating for and throwing parties.She laughs at jokes, but never at people since it might hurt their feelings.She shows her opinions and who she really is because she hopes that someone somewhere will genuinely want to be her friend.Sometimes she pretends she's a Jedi Knight and re-enacts all the scenes from Star Wars which make everybody laugh.||They meet in a training room at SM ||When Alira was a traniee, she was dancing kkap style until her shoe came off and hit sooyoung head.Alira promise to treat sooyoung to lunch everyday while on her knee which sooyoung said yes to then after that during lunch they became best friends||

Everybody say : HateYou!


Rival- Suzy (Miss A)

Personality-She is known for her elitist, controlling, and overall disagreeable attitude. Mainly disliked by other female groups, Suzy generally stands on her firm belief that she is the prettiest of them all.Suzy is also quick-tempered, as well as showing protection and admiration for anybody that her fan.She also borders a certain level of arrogance, which other girls find annoying about her.

How You Two Became Rival- An Hour before the debut stage,Suzy was coming for a backstage interview where Alira pull a prank on her which suzy laugh at untill off camera where Suzy call Alira out her name which almost made Alira punch her but she had to go on stage.


Name-Daehyun (B.A.P)

Personality- Daehyun is really nice and gentle.He was pretty shy.He has gotten more sociable, but generally he's uncomfortable and shy around strangers. He's really well tempered. Even if he gets mad or something bothers him, he won't say anything.He's really nice. Being well tempered ties into this, but he's also generous. If one of the other band members wants something that he also wants, he'll let them have it. He's really devoted and hard working. He tends to keep to himself and devotes himself to what he loves- dancing.If something needs to be done than he will do it the best he can and put all his effort into it.He doesn't like trouble. Not only does he not like getting in trouble, but he doesn't like conflict.He's playful and fun. Daehyun can be mischievous and playful if he knows you well enough.

Relationship now- Crush(Alira)-Strangers(Daehyun)

How You Met- SugarMelodies and B.A.P apper on Weekly Idol as guests of that day and Alira was going to faint from seeing him.

Who Fell In Love First?-Alira


(replace the left photo to your pre-debut photo and right to your now photot)

I'm like a Shooting Star I've come so far!


Fanclub- Oxygen

Fanclub Colour- White

Greeting- " Help! Help! I need my Oxygen....Just Kidding,Hello!"

Been In n Gonna Be In- Alira been in a soda CF and going to start in a tv sitcom.

Years of Trianing-4 years 

Trianee Years- Alira was a popular trainee since she was funny and and friendly but was bad a training since her teacher was an hot guy so The CEO change him with a girl just so Alira could train better which she did. Nothing really instering really happen in her training years.

How Did you get in?- Her mother was working at SM at the time and sended Alira talent show tape to her boss who wanted Alira to audition which she did and got in only if she try to do a fake audition in a year to see if could do better or she was out........And ALira made it!

Singing Twin- After School Nana

Links • ♪( ´▽`) ♪( ´▽`)♪( ´▽`)

Dancing Twin- 2ne1 Minzy

Links • (・ω・) (・ω・) (・ω・)

Rapping Twin- T-ara Eunjung

Links • ( *`ω´)( *`ω´) ( *`ω´)

Audition Song: After School- English Version of Beacuse of You

GoodBye Baby~



Scene-Suggestion- A Kiss on Tv with Alira and another Idol, Mcing Guest Host, and Get in a cat fight with Suzy

( Suger(Melodies)




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