ElBer? :o

So before, Amber was the normal girl crush. Like, ahh~~ she's really attractive and cool~~

Now, its like: asdnfkd;jgkfkkgk AMBER YOU EZ SOO YY LEMME HAVE YO BABIES GUHHHHH~~ I'll do things to you Min can't do. (Guilty MinBer shipper)

It has gotten unhealthy. Its true.

Like, it got so bad, I was beginning to question my uality. "Oh. Maybe my yeobo was right and I am gay." And then... I realized "Nah. I'm not homoual, I'm Amberual."

And that, my dear chingus, is the story of how I realized only one girl could make my ovaries explode.

Now, I shall go away and look at pictures of her and watch her be y.


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LOL I actually feel kinda the same bc I'm sure I'm straight but there are a few girls I'd prolly turn for? xDDD
You are a hot mess!!! Lol, good night loca!