Sent From HELL

Basic Information

AFF Name: ctrl_me

Aff Profile Link: LINK

Character's Name: Hwang Ji Soo

(Female or Male): Female

Age & D.O.B (15-18): 18 // May 24, 1993

Ethnicity (Only 2): Korean


Character's Looks

Height & Weight: 167 cm / 46 kg

Looks (3 links):




Style (The clothes he/she was wearing before they died):


Ulzzang Name: Lee Jung Ha


 Character's Personality

Personality(2 paragraphs or more):

Ji Soo is a talkative girl who's good at talking to strangers and lying to them, even to her friends. She loves attention and she hates being ignored. She is a good observant. She can sense whether someone is lying or if someone is hiding a secret from her. She always reads other people's personalities by just analyzing how they act conciously and unconciously. She loves hanging out with her friends, gossiping about someone they don't like, and even backstabbing other people. She's like that, a bad girl.

Ji Soo also has weaknesses. She hates being alone. She hates sleeping with the lights off. She wants to see her family often. She's the kind of girl who always wants to be with her family. She can't stand being away from them for too long. She's also short-tempered. She can't stand being in a place with a crying kid.


- Math

- Horror movies

- Pancakes

- Paintings

- Classical music

- Anything white


- History

- Roses

- Beaches

- Oily food

- High heels

- Anything red


- Writing songs

- Singing

- Playing the piano

- Sleeping

- Painting


- Lying too much

- Biting her lower lip

- Unconciously pouting when she's doing nothing

- Sleep talking


- White

- Super Junior

- Puzzles

- The number 13

- Food : Pancakes, Pizza

- Movie: Coming Soon


- She's afraid of heights

- Allergic to cats

- She's good at bullying and was sent to the guidance office almost everyday

- No boybriend since birth

- She's good at her class. She's one of the school's top students

- She owns a car

- She's good at playing the piano, guitar and violin


Character's BackGround.

Family(Age,Name, Relationship):

45, Hwang Baek Ji , Mother || She's a supportive mother to Ji Soo. But she doesn't know what Ji Soo's true color is.

46, Hwang Goo Eun , Father || He's a very arrogant man. He loves himself so much and Ji Soo got that from him.

Past (What sin did you commit) :

Ji Soo likes bullying. One time, she and her friends bullied a new student. They cornered her in the school's garden. They tear off the student's notes, they ripped of her uniform, they made fun of her. And Ji Soo slapped the girl several times. They're about to leave but Ji Soo wasn't satisfied yet. She slapped the girl once more, which caused the girl to be out of her balance and hit her head on the edge of the bench. It hit her head bad then the girl died. They just left the girl there and until now, no one knows who killed the girl.

How did you die?:

She was just walking down the street one night. She's going home when one of those she bullied appeared. Ji Soo thought the girl's there for nothing. So she slowly approached her. She didn't know that the girl was holding a knife at her back so when Ji Soo was just a foot away from the girl, the girl stabbed her not just once but several times. The girl left Ji Soo there. She died because of too much blood loss. No one saw the crime done, but the girl was caught by the police after investigating Ji Soo's death.

Friends(Age, Relationship, and Name. Only 2 famous friends):

21, Choi Soo Young || She was Ji Soo's childhood friend. She knew that Ji Soo's a bad girl and she always tells Ji Soo to stop bullying. But Ji Soo's hardheaded and didn't listen to Soo Young.

Rivals & Why:

Her rival is Krystal Jung of f(x). She's also a backstabber and the leader of a 'sorority', which was the enemy of Ji Soo's group. These two groups are always competing against each other. There was a time when the two groups have a fight which caused several members to be injured, some were in serious conditions.

Character's Love

Love Interest(Name, Age, Personality):

Cho Kyuhyun, 23 || He's everyone's object of affection. He's sometimes evil but he's sometimes sweet, friendly, and thoughtful. He's also smart, like Ji Soo. He is understanding and a good secret keeper. He's a very straight forward guy.

Why does his/her life ?:

His life looks perfect. But really, it's not. His parents don't love him, and that fact is killing him. He did everything to make them proud of him but nothing's happening. He debuted as a Super Junior member, he practiced really hard to improve his singing voice, he did all. But his parents really have a stone heart. They don't appreciate everything Kyuhyun does.

Who does he/her like:

Seohyun of SNSD. For him, she's the perfect girl.




Anything I missed?:


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