Yellow Fever AKA I made out with a hot K-boy

those of you who read my tumblr know this already but I made out with a ing hot K-Boy so I'm not green (aka this was my first time I actually kissed a guy *omfg embarresed*) and it was good,

I got his phonenumber but I think it's not going to work out because I was a little bit more outgoing then usual and well he was pretty much trying to get me but so was I with him I mean, I mean I actually on his colarbone, I his neck, I got his wifebeater out of his pants and felt if the abs were as hot as I thought they would be (they were)... so....


well after that he pulled me into the mens bathroom.. and he wanted more.. one night stand in the bathroom.. so that's a big NO and he got a bit angry with me.. haha


the stupid thing is, I don't even regret getting myself into that situation ' cuase I know it was partially my fault, but damn he was hot and I absolutely don't regret anything.. nothing at all..


ok, my story.. I just had to share it XD


*edit* sorry for the writing style, ing tired, got only 4 hours of sleep this night


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DongRin #1
Lol @ iisonly4u<br />
I agree with you xD
iisonly4u #2 are friggin crazy! hahaha... the best things about being in another country and making out with some random person is not having to see them again if something goes wrong! lol...glad you had fun!
lilovski #3
i just read your tumblr.<br />
wow, so I guess kboys aren't as respecting as the kdramas make them look like.<br />
i must go to korea to have my first kiss aswell! *dreams* that's like the most perfect first kiss ever... in korea, with a hot kboy <3 *drools*<br />
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lilovski #4
you're my hero. seriously... (do you happen to have any photo of the guy? hihihi so that I can drool over it?)<br />
wow, I can't believe you actually told us what happen. you're brave. I'd be totally embarassed! ahahaha