A Unique Rule

The company that I'm working now has one unique rules and regulation I think. I signed the contract months ago but somehow I feel like I want to share it with you guys. Haha.

Well, the rule is not that bad (maybe for some people) and for me it's unique..


"We can't fall in love or be in a relationship with our co-worker and other staffs"


Maybe some of find this normal but for me I find this interesting. The company I'm working is a film production company. So the actors and the actresses are also considered as the staffs. I know, they want to avoid scandal. I think the rules is only oblige for the artist but no, all our the staff must follow it. Somehow I feel dissapointed. LOL. I'm looking for a potential husband right now.. I know...I know.. Some of you might think that I'm too young but this is just to shut my mother at home. She will be asking if I already have a boyfriend. But the rule is a good way to make her not talking about boyrfriend. Haha. I will just simply say that we are not allowed to flirt our co-workers. Haha..


If my boss find his two staff in a relationship, he only will give 2 choices. Whether one of them resign or both of them leave the company. Even though I do find a potential boyfriend (read:husband) I don't think I will make the sacrifice by quitting my job. It's so hard me to get a job. I was unemployed for a year. Being an art student is really hard.


As for the artist, once they become a talent in my company, they can't be in relationship. IF they do have boyfriend or girlfriend before they sign they contract, they must hide it. The company do not asking for the artist to break up but just hide the relationship. They also must delete pictures that show their boyfriend and even their close friends that are boys. The company did not want any scandal.


I wonder this kind or regulations are also applied in KPOP entertainment. Well, in my opinion, it does. I think a lot of Kpop idols have gir/boyfriend but they have to hide it. Or even worst, the company ask them to break up. Because if you watch a lot of variety shows, the idols will say they have some kind of love signal they give when they performing live. I watch this before in Happy Together but I forgot which episode.


Besides that, many idols/actors/actresses are startled when they were asked if they are in relationship right now or in the past. In my opinion they startled because they can't tell the truth but they also don't wanna lie and hurt their partner feeling.












LOL.. I like Eunhyuk and his honesty..LOL ahh... what we talked just now...? I forgot after watching these videos... Ah.. yes, Girlfrriend and boyfriend for KPop Idols. Hurm.. Do you think they also have same rules and regulation? That they can't fall in love with someone in the same company?  I do think it does. Haha.. Enough for now.. I must get back to work before my boss see me!


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Yepp, I heard of it also.
But not only in Kpop industry, but I think in many company, they apply this rule too.
Not only in entertainment industry also.
Anywhoo, Find ur other potential <soon to be> hubby in other company.
Bcuz no way they will fired ya.
Its probably hard, the filming company must be filled with hotties! XD
But I am also sure, that alot of staff break the rule ;)

PS. I actually heared about similar rule, but it was about direct subordinates, to prevent possible corruption or unfair treatment, or if it for example someone dealing with money and other in security (to prevent stealing.