Qwest Application ♕ Yoon Doo Hye


Username: Woojyo

Activeness: {im  here 24/7 kekeke

Nickname: Youngjji


♕Can You Hear Me

Full Name: Yoon Doo Hye

Birthday: July 4th, 1993

Age: 20

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Birthplace: Los Angeles, CA


she tends to be a quiet and shy girl outside when everyone meets her. but, once she got closer to them, she will be a cute and friendly in character. she is also a hard working girl who respects everyone. although she looked really calm, and observant, she is a little bit disorganized and a little clumsy, she sometimes forgets her schedules, bringing he training suits, changing her shoes, or some little things which everyone finds it cute in every ways. since she is the youngest daughter in her family, she tend to be a spoilt little sister to anyone older and close to her.

Traits: Quiet, Observant, Preserved, Secretive, Shy, Respectful, Hardworking, Responsible, a little disorganized, a little clumsy

Height: 171 cm

Weight: 52 cm


Her parents were busy with their own things, leaving Doojoon and Doori raising her since she was a little kid. she has never felt the caring hand of her mother since she was too busy with her coffee shop franchise branches and her father was so busy with his business. Doo Joon and Doo Ri had to earn much to raise her. She is really close to both her siblings. and she cannot imagine if one of them leaves her. a spoiled and loving younger sister indeed.


  • dogs
  • fantasy and sci-fi novels
  • video games
  • dancing
  • listening to music
  • spicy food
  • cakes
  • chocolates
  • colorful things
  • sneakers
  • flats
  • glittery things
  • Photography


  • high heels
  • naggy boyfriend
  • someone who is reluctant
  • irresponsibility
  • being untimely
  • crowded place


  • drawing and sketching
  • dancing
  • playing guitar
  • composing
  • eating
  • reading novels
  • playing video games


  • tapping her feet when feeling impatient
  • bottling up her feelings when she was upset or sad
  • eating when she's stressed
  • doing aegyo, especially to her crush.


  • she's preserved, but once you get to know her, she's very sweet and nice
  • she is an ambidextrous
  • she loves dancing
  • she has a husky and deep voice
  • she never likes wearing high heels
  • she loves collecting knitwears and comfortable t-shirts
  • she is really charismatic and charming on stage
  • she was a close friend of Juniel
  • she is never confident of her height
  • She always sees doojoon as her father and brother
  • Sees doori as her mom..
  • Is a real spoilty when doojokn and doori around

Is very spoilt to her sister and bry



Ulzzang Name: Park Hyo Jin

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Lee da Som

Links: 1 | 2 | 3


  • Dorm 1 2 3
  • Airport 1 2 3
  • Casual  1 2 3
  • School 1 2 3
  • Daily Accessories:


Hush Hush


  • Mother : Park Ah Ra| 52 | Coffee shop owner | reluctant, mostly neglecting | Alive
  • Father : Yoon Do Hyun | 59 | Business man | only providing money | Alive
  • Sibling {brother} : Yoon Doo Joon | 24 | B2ST| charismatic, talkative, loving, mature, thoughtful
  • Sibling {Sister} : Yoon Doo Ri | 26 | fashion boutique owner | outgoing, naggy, caring, motherly


Jung Dae Hyun | 20 | B.A.P | friendly, witty, loving, outgoing | Bestfriend


♕I'm Genie For You Boy

Stage Name: Diana

Position:  Main dancer-sub vocalist

Persona: Silent Charmer

FanClub Color: Violet

FanClub Name: Dollars


♕DJ, Put it Back On!

Love Interest: Infinite's Lee Sung Yeol

Age: 22

Personality: bright, caring, friendly, outgoing, loud, childish, mischievous prankster

Relationship: Lover

How did you meet? If you haven't met before, then how do you want to meet?: they bumped into each other several times at the company. she didn't dare to talk anything to sungyeol on the other hand, the boy attempted to get to know her. he even requested to have a special stage with her during Infinite showcases and concerts. He was trying to get her. on the other hands, she began to like her and by time they got closer, sungyeol confessed that he is in love with her. he also stated in several interviews that his ideal type is Doo Hye.



Comments: it's fun filling the applications^^ i hope i got choosen^^

Suggestions: song titles for the debut should be a new title song, not the ones that have been published, it will gain more interests~ kekekeke

Password!: Mysteries



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thanks for applying! the app looks great:)