okay i'm hopeless



Have You Ever…

1. Lied to your parents?: yes, many times, sowwy

2. Lied about your age to someone?: yup did so

3. Had a crush on a teacher?: well not real crush, just liked my english center teacher, he's a cutie with green eyes

4. Traveled to another country?: just France, once

5. Kissed someone of the same as you?: a friendly meanless peck? Yes, make out? No

6. Kissed someone of the opposite ?: Nope except cheeks

7. Failed a test?: Nuuuuuu :)

8. Skip class?: Yup, Just this afternoon

9. Cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend?: never

10. Been cheated on?: no

11. Been caught hooking up?: no

12. Snuck out of your house?: yes

13. Thrown a party when your parents weren’t home?: no

14. Done something illegal?: ahhh, kind of?

15. Blamed someone else for something you did?: yes, it was damn funny

16. Stolen something from a store?: when i was young, by mistake i swear

17. Asked someone out?: no, no confidence

18. Played a sport?: yeah many especially basket ball

19. Met a celebrity?: my beloved ones? NOOOO

20. Done something embarrassing in front of your crush?: omg yes, especially blabling nonsense, then blushing




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why did you skip class you little...........?
All those questions are yes for :/ lol Hahahah :$