lol again stolen from Kim_TaeKhun

edited cause yeah...........things change haha

Bestest Friend ever: Chris baby boo <3

1. Single / Taken : Single.

2. Girl Bestfriend : Daisy, Douae, Amal, Alex.

3. Boy Bestfriend : Adam,  Andy, Badr, Joonki, Yassine, Mehdi.

4. Nickname :  Bassouma, Nemo, Amy, Smiley, Angel Princesse, Sweet pumpkin, Ssouma lmassmouma, crybaby.....

5. Favourite Drink : Anything Strawberry and chocolate especially smothies and milkshakes ^^

6. Favourite Food : Mommy's food, certain moroccain food, pizza, les tagliatelle au saumon, ice cream and chocolate/straweberry Pastry 

7. Last Person I Texted : Moncef 

8. Last Person Who Made Me Smile : Donghae, actually his cuteness and laughs in a taiwanese show

9. Do I Have Mental Problems : well, mental? as in emotional, like depressive breakdowns and ill attacks? then Yes, mental as crazy? No

10. Something I Cant Live Without : Strawberries!, my medicines (i guess something so stuff not people ^^), Mr.Bunny Bubbles (had him since i was 6years old and now i'm 16, means 10years ^^) 

11. Last Person I Called : Rania


12. Am I In Love : No but i would love to.


13. Last Thing I Ate : Milka (chocolate bar)

14. Who Did I Last Say I Love You To : My Male Friend Adam


15. Birthday : 25th of February 1997.

16. Cutest Boy that I like :  cutest boy? Andy

17. Cutest Girl that I like : lol my niece? she's 3years and a half (proud me)   


18. Someone I love : Small Family, Real Friends which are small, Daisy, Joonki, AFF and Tumblr Family, My Plushy Collection./bunnies and bears/


19. Someone I Hate : i don't like using the word "hate' cause i don't hate, so i'd say "dislike", people who hurt me and caused me pain, but for now now? two girls, sisters, hypocrite es.....

20. Last Text Said : Take Care and Don't Stay Up Late Remixing Those Songs You'll Ruin Your Ears Stupid!


21. Super Best friend : None! sowwy.


22. Would I Take My Ex Back : humm? guess no, we are better like this.

23 Someone I Miss : my older brother and my niece....

24. Who was My Last crush : Reality-> Reda,  AFF-> Joonki, he's a cutie pie, love him!, Facebook-> Yooness (just a joke but yeah)

25. Last Person That Made Me Laugh : well real life-> Moncef, Biases-> Donghae

26. Favourite Song : Geee Many, but for now, Pappillion By SuJu, Iodine By Icon For Hire and Breath Me By Sia

27. Do your Ex want you back : uhh, very complicated, Yes and No.

28. Current Crush : well none, but if i had to choose, Reda, a little....

29. Is This Year The Best Year Of Your Life : yeah......right/sarcasm/........TOTALLY NOT

30. Do You Like Korean Food ? : well, kind of, cause i didn't taste a lot of dishes that's why.

31. How Old Are You ? : well since february, 16years old

32. Would You Go Back In Time If You were Given The Chance : Yes, even for just one day, i'd love to change many things

33. Do You Regret Anything From Your Past : Oh Gosh you can't imagine how much

34. Are You Scared Of Insects : *shiver* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ewwwww YES one of my biggest fears

35. Have You Ever Broken Someone's Heart : indeed i did and got mine broken too...



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yay, i'm in <3
im not even in ur friends...