★ NYX | application form | Ahn Daeun ★

 panda-x    melissa    9.9  

Ahn Daeun

 Daeun     May 16, 1995     17    nymph 


 is this just fantasy ~

<character name> Ahn Daeun

<nickname/s> Eunnie, aegi eunnie

<birthdate> May 16, 1995

<zodiac sign> taurus

<birthplace> Seoul, South Korea

<hometown> Seoul, South Korea

<ethnicity> Korean

<blood type> A

<height+weight> 165cm + 45kg


korean`fluent | chinese`basic | english`basic


 look at me now ~

<ulzzang/idol name> Baek Sumin

<photos> 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 & more

<back-up ulzzang/idol> IU | Lee Jieun

<photos> 1 | 2 | 3

<extras> Daeun has long dark brown/black hair that flows right on top of her belly botton. She doesn't have or plan on getting a tattoo or a piercing. She only has the regular piercings girls get when they're babies.


casual : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

formal : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

dorm : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

airport : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

 only human ~

<in a nutshell> childish | dorky | cheerful | funny | playful

<personality> Daeun has a one of a kind personality and is different from the rest. She likes to think outside the box and do things on her own way. People tend to like her unique personality and think she's cute. Daeun is a bright and friendly girl who is kind and caring as well. She's childish and cheerful, and is always seen with a smile on her face. She's funny and is always cracking jokes. She likes to laugh and smile, and she likes the feeling of making people laugh too. She's easy to befriend because of her outgoing and approachable personality that makes her easy to talk to. She likes to mingle with people and make new friends. Daeun is never bored in life and lives every day to the fullest. She lives without regrets. Daeun is really dorky. Like, really dorky. Being calles '4D' is an understatement. Other than that, she's really kind and big hearted. She stays true to her words and doesn't break promises. Daeun is always thinking on the positive side. She ignores the bad side in things and focus's on the good things that can happen. Daeun is well mannered as well as poliet.

Daeun is a bit violent. She always playfully slaps people, especially when they . She slaps or pokes people to get their attention, and playfully punches the arm of the person she is teasing. Sometimes when she get mad at objects, she hits it or kicks it but ends up getting herself hurt instead.

<background> Daeun was born in Seoul, South Korea and was raise by her two wonderful parents. They were a little on the rich side, but they were humble about it. She lived at a kind-of big house with her mom, dad and older brother. Her parents raised them well, and growing up they were close with their parents. The two kids did well at school and did their jobs as kids and students. The sibilings both got along. They'd bicker from time to time in the past, but they always got each other's backs. Daeun is really close with her brother. They always joke around with each other and make jokes together, along with their dad.


  • bubble tea | she loves it a lot that during her trainee days, she'd drink it ever day that her fitness trainer would scold her.
  • pororo | she thinks the show is absolutely adorable. she kept watching it and slowly become addicted to it. it makes her feel like a kid again.
  • gummy bears | she is addicted to them. she thinks they're cute and she pretends to be a giant when she eats them.
  • her electronic devices | she can't live without them! just because she's an idol doesn't mean she can't surf the internet nowadays.
  • pikachu | she loves him. she wants to kiddnap him from Ash and make him her own pet.
  • amusement parks | she enjoys roller coasters! the happy vibe of amusement parks make her feel at her happiest state.
  • cherry blossoms | her favorite flowers. she's thinks they're absolutely gorgeous.
  • ramen | she loves eating steaming ramen when it's cold.


  • when it's too hot | she doesn't enjoy humid weather.
  • pinapples | she thinks they're gross. she loves all fruits except for this one, so she calls them a vegtable since she doesn't like vegtables either.
  • zebras | she thinks they're weird.
  • when her legs goes numb | she thinks it's the worst feeling in the world.
  • when people judge someone even before meeting them and getting to know the real them
  • when people make fun of others or talks behind someone's back. she doesn't think it's nice. you don't have to like the person, but at least respect them.


  • running her fingers threw her hair
  • claps when she laughs
  • fans herself when she's embarrassed, then covers her face with her hands
  • she always tears off the wrapper of her water bottle.
  • whenever she goes down the stairs, she jumps off the third step, skipping the first two.


  • voldemort from harry potter - he scares her to death. she thinks that he'll appear in her dreams and eat her alive
  • any type of bug or insect - they give her the heebie jeebies.
  • something bad happening to someone she loves and cares about.
  • dying.
  • getting injurd so that she can't dance anymore


  • she is quite flexible, but not s flexible as Victoria from f(x)
  • her role models are Boa and snsd
  • she can write with both her left and right hand, but she's mainly right handed.
  • she only thing she can cook is ramen and rice.
  • she likes chewing gum
  • she hates math. she balls at it.
  • she's quite athletic. she's really good at basketball and volleyball.
  • aegyo is awkward for her, but she works hard on it since she's the maknae (this is if she's is! ^^ )
  • When she was a trainee, she was an amazing singer and dancer. One day she was diagnosed with nodes, and she couldn't sing as well anymore. They were going to make her the lead singer, but they didn't want to risk anything so they put her as the lead dancer.
  • Daeun enjoys skinship. She's always hugging or leaning or holding hands with her unnies from NYX
  • She's friends with all of snsd. The closest to her is Seohyun.
  • Was a background dancer for TTS's 'twinkle'.

 the warmest gift ~

<father> Ahn Dongho + 48

<occupation> engineer

<personality> A funny and supportive dad. He likes to fool around alot and tease his kids, especially Daeun, a lot. He likes to crack jokes that are half of the time not funny at all. He's caring and wants the best for his kids.

<relationship> Daeun grew up really close to her dad. She loves her dad a lot and he loves her the same way, maybe even more. They had a close relationship that even she would go to him for advice. He was a proud dad who admired his daughters talents and supported her throughout everything.

<mother> Cho Eunhee

<occupation> pediatrition

<personality> Is a warm hearted and caring mother. She's understanding and patient with her kids. She's willing to do anything for them and wants nothing but the best for them. She's happy for having such a wonderful family, whom she loves and cherishes a lot. She family is her everything and they come first before anything in the world.

<relationship> Daeun and her mom has a very close 'mother-daughter' relationship. Her mom is always giving her advice in life and is always guiding her to the right path. Her mom is her number one supporter and she will support Daeun in everything her does.


<brother> Ahn Hyungjae

<occupation> college student at a university

<personality> Hyungjae is really funny. He's always teasing her and ruffling her hair, knowing she doesn't like it when he does that. He loves his siter a lot and does a lot to protect her. He doesn's show to much, but he's over protective of her, especially when it comes to boys. The two are like the 'dork' sibilings.

<relationship> The two are always teasing each other back and forth, laughing at each others jokes. They always got each others backs and they watch out for one another. They used to bicker a lot,  but now they grew closer, understanding each other more.


 one and the same ~

<best friend> Krystal Jung

<occupation> maknae of f(x)

<personality> Krystal may seem kind of mean at first, but when you get to know her she's the nicest person you could ever meet. She's really kind and poliet. She's always there to watch Daeun's back. Whenever Daeun has a problem, Krystal will be the first to take notice and comfort or help her.

Krysal does get annoyed easily with some people, but she's good at hiding it. She loves to joke around and tease Daeun, but that's how she shows that she loves her.

<relationship> Daeun and Krystal are really close, they're like sisters. They're always together, doing things together. They always got each others backs and they protect one another. They're one year apart so Krystal protects and takes care of her like a real unnie. Daeun is thankful for Krystal and respects her a lot.


<name+age> Sulli + 18

<occupation> face of f(x)

<personality> Sulli is a really cute and down to earth girl. She's really sweet and kind. She's quite a jokster herself and her laugh is adorable. She's a very loyal friend who watches out for Daeun a lot.

<relationship> Sulli and Daeun like to talk about everything together. Whenever Daeun has a problem, aside from her NYX group members, Sulli and Krystal are the first to know. Sulli likes to treat Daeun like a baby because she claims that 'she's so young, like a baby'.



sm town


 dear my family ~

<how did you become an SM trainee?> Daeun was actually scouted to become a trainee. She was at the store with her family and her mom was shopping for bras for her. Daeun was too embarassed of the situation that she left to her brother. She then noticed there was this lady following her and staring at her. She told her brother and he said that she was over reacting and for her to calm down. The lady then came up to the two and handed her a business card for sm. Daeun was so happy that she told her parents right away and they fully supported her. And so, she auditioned to be a singer and having enough talent, she got in.

<training years> 3 years

<stage name> Daeun

<position> lead dancer , singer

<back-up position> lead singer , rapper

<persona> the 'one of a kind' maknae

<fanclub name> the 'uniques'

<fanclub color> #cc0066

 bad girl good girl~

<rival> n/a

<age> --

<group> --

<personality> --

<relationship> --

<reason for rivalry> --


Oh Sehun

 sehun     april 12, 1994     18  


 ain't no other man ~

<lover's name> oh sehun

<birthdate> april 12, 1994

<personality> Your first impressions of him is that he'll serious with a poker face on his face 24/7. But when you get to know him, he's actually really funny and sneaky. He likes pulling pranks on his hyungs. He's talkative and is suprisingly cute, using aeygo to get what he wants. He's a nice guy with a kind heart. He has a senstive spot in him and is a big softie. He is cheesy and romantic guy when he needs to.

<have you met?> yes

<if yes, why?> Sehun and Daeun would occasionally run into each other as her group was preparing for debut. Exo would come and support them and sometimes stop by to watch them if they had time. The two knew of each other, but they never really talked. They'd greet each other 'hello' with a smile, but that's it. They just treated each other as sunbae and hoobae.

<relationship> The two got really close after the 'hoobe-sunbae' stage. They grew as close friends. They grew close really quick, like best friends. They're always teasing and playing around with each other. They like each other, but they don't know it. They act like they do and their actions are really obvious, but when ever they're questioned about it, they deny it. Everyone in sm town knows that they have a thing for each other, but they don't realize it. Sehun get jealous easily when she talks to other boy groups or fangirls over other guys, and Daeun does the same to him. They two start to realize their feelings for each other, but who will make the first move?

<scene request> Just a lot of cute scenes is fine. Let the fluff begin~


 crush crush crush ~

<backup lover's name> park chanyeol

<birthdate> november 27, 1992

<personality> Chanyeol is very happy and postive. He's always seen with a big smile on his face and his laughs make you want to laugh. He's always cheeful and hyper, always full of energy. He's playful and funny, always teasing others.

<have you met?> yes

<if yes, why?> They've seen each other before, and they knew of each other, but they actually started to talk during TTS's twinkle music video shooting. She was a background dance and he was playing the paparazzi. He was struggling to put on his coat because the zipper got stuck, so Daeun descided to help him. Since then they've been talking and they grew closer.

<relationship> Chanyeol and Daeun are best friends. They're both cheerful and funny, and they go great together. Daeun thinks Chanyeol is amazing. His voice mesmerizes her and she thinks he's a tall flawless human being.She admires his many differnt talents. He could rap, sing, dance and play different kinds of intruments. His looks are breathe taking and his kind and funny personality is a huge bonus. It's obvious she likes him, but she's afraid he doesn't. She doesn't want to ruin the perfect friendship they have. She'd rather be his close friends than to be nothing to him at all.

<scene request> --

 one last kiss ~

<comments/questions> i love you. omg, i can't believe i finished this in one night. i'm proud of myself. LOL jk. if you want me to change anything, just let me know c: good luck author-nim! 
<album name suggestions> it should be simple but at the same time dramatic like 'the first'. /shot
oh! and another song, everynight by exid, is a good one too! maybe it could be the pre-release single! fans did a mash up with exo's history and it sound really cool!
<song suggestions> i really enjoy the song 'i like that' by glam! you should listen to it c:
<password> how about 'creatures'. HAHAHA i know, i fail.




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