Story Review Rubric - Aethon Request Shop

Title: __/5

Is the title eye-catching? Does it relate to the plot of the story?

Appearance: __/5

Is there a poster/background/layout? Does it destract from the story? Does it match the theme/mood of the story?

Description/Foreword: __/10

Is the description interesting? Does it give an idea of what the story is about without giving away too many details? Is the foreword section used effectively?

Originality: __/10

Does the story contain many creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's enjoyment? Has the author really used his/her imagination to draw the reader in?

Storyline: __/25

Is the conflict clearly established, developed, and resolved after a gripping ? Does the dialogue sound realistic? Is the setting described clearly? Is the point of view consistent? Are plot techniques, such as flashbacks, used approriately? Is there a clear central theme that unifies the plot?

Characterization: __/10

Are your characters strongly drawn, clearly separate and fully developed? Are the main characters are presented in multiple ways (appearance, action, thoughts, speech, etc.)? Do they behave "within" their character? Are the characters relatable to the reader?

Organization/Flow: __/10

Does the story have an effective structure and arrangement of ideas? Is the balance of ideas within paragraphs generally consistent and cohesive? Are transitions clear?

Mechanics/Grammar: __/20

Are there numerous errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, and spelling? Do these errors interfere with the meaning of the story? Is dialogue distinguishable from narrative, or does it lack essential elements, such as quotation marks or end punctuation?

Extra: __/5

Anything else about this piece that caught the reader's attention, that is particularly pleasing or unique.



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Lol what don't is that??..for both of them