SM Academy Application




Jung Krystal


AFF username: unknownsweet101

AFF link: Here


Name: Jung "Krystal" Soo Jung


  • Baby Girl | called by f(x) members | Since she's the youngest, it's their way to show their affection towards her.
  • Krys | called by her older sister, Jessica | It's a nickname Jessica created for her. on the other hand, Krystal calls her 'Jess'
  • Ice Goddess | called by her schoolmates | It's because of her looks. Ice because she gives off a very cold aura. Well, she's mostly cold with the people she hates so yeah. Despite, her cold looks no one can deny that she's simply drop dead gorgeous. She has the stunning features, good figure, the talents and also the brains. That's why she's always compared to a goddess. Thus, the nickname 'Ice Goddess' was created.

Date of Birth: October 24, 1994

Place of Birth: San Francisco, California

Ethnicity: Korean-American


  • Korean | Native
  • English | Fluent
  • Japanese and Chinese | Conversational


Name of Group:

f(x) [ Flower: Double X Chromosome ]

Relationship with each member:

Choi "Sulli" Jinri

Both of them have the same age so they have a very close and good relationship. They are actually best friends with each other. Both of them knows a lot about each other, from trivial things to personal ones, may it be negative or positive. That's why they hardly hide anything from each other since before they can even spit it out, the other one already knows it. It requires a whole lot of effort just to hide a secret from each other. They are very sweet with each other and clingy as well. They almost agree on everything especially when going on a shopping spree. Sulli is someone who is fun to be with especially when she laughs which is very contagious. They can really relate well with each other and they are always spotted together. They always support and cheer each other when they do something especially when performing or joining on contests. They also know exactly how to cheer up the other party when they are down. They really care and love each other as if they are real sisters.


Park "Luna" Sun Young

Luna is like Krystal's number one fangirl. She finds every little thing that Krystal does very adorable. She loves to pamper and spoil her a lot. She's very sweet towards her and always getting hyper whenever Krystal does something well... cute even though Krystal is not aware that she is being cute already. She's also the one who teaches Krystal when it comes on her interest in singing. She goes with the same vocal class with Krystal that's why they always go home together. There they always bond and Krystal usually enjoys Luna's company since she's very funny and easygoing. She's the outgoing type that's why she's always game when it comes on going on a trip with f(x).


Liu "Amber" Josephine

Amber is the coolest friend you'll ever meet. She's usually the one who is letting Krystal do something "naughty" like doing pranks and other things which are not really what a good girl does. But when she knows that Krystal is going overboard or putting herself in danger, she warns her about it and does her best to stop her from doing it. ( not that obvious though since she's not really showy when it comes on her true emotions like being concerned or worried. ) She always plays things coolly and confident about herself that's why she never fears to say her opinions out loud. She's boyish and Krystal often teases her about her boyish style but Amber will just look for something to about. They're the partners-in-crime among the group. People often thinks that she doesn't care about things at all but the truth is she really does but it just doesn't show.



Song "Victoria" Qian

Victoria is like the second mother of the group. She takes care of everyone and also always ready to defend them when someone dares to do something bad with her dongsaengs. She's the responsible and matured one among them that's why she's always the one who is giving lectures and the one who the members run to when they have problems and seeking for an advice. Of course, she does rebel every now and then as well together with her other groupmates ( they are rebellious juniors anyway ) but she always makes sure whatever it is, it would not put them into great danger or big trouble they can't escape from. She always thinks what is good for her girls and always there to back them up.



Krystal is someone who you will think is very cold but once you get to know her she's very friendly and sweet too. Well, as long as you stay on her good side. Once you pissed her off, say hello to hell. She's not really someone who hurts other physically instead she often uses words and sarcasm on someone she hates. Not to mention, embarrassing them by doing pranks. With her friends, she's really nice and fun. She's very clingy too and easily gets jealous when they pay more attention to stranger than her. She's kind of possessive with her friends but in a very cute way. She's very loyal and selfless when it comes on her friends. She always wants what is best for them.

She hates being compared the most. She wants people to recognize her and what she can really wanted to do. She hates people who is very judgmental especially the ones who judges her and her friends even though they don't know them that well. She's very competitive as well when it comes on performing but she always plays fair. She's also very passionate when it comes on the things she likes especially when it comes on singing. She's also a perfectionist when i comes on performing that's why she usually is exhausted after practicing and performing.

She doesn't have any idea at all on how to do household chores and cooking since at home it's not her who is doing it. She is also spoiled since she grew up in such environment. When someone doesn't give her what she wants, she'll find a way to get it. It's either making them feel guilty about not giving it to her or attack them with her manipulative skills. Everyone falls for it so, she always gets what she likes. She can easily get away from everything and to get everything. Thanks to her manipulative skills, she can easily change what people think. She can easily make up an excuse and say it flawlessly, making everyone convinced.

She also loves to shop and anything related to fashion. She's the fashionable one among the girls and isn't satisfied with plain and simple clothes. So t-shirt and a pair of jeans is a no-no. She likes to make her own statement with her clothes and be unique. She always makes sure that she doesn't go over the top but still unique. She even sometimes prepares outfits for her girlfriends especially for performances and parties

She's also very outgoing and enjoys doing stuffs that would make her feel the adrenaline rushing to her vains. She even tries to ditch school and she loves the feeling of it when she almost got caught and got away from it safely.That's why she's always game when they do some rebellious acts every now and then. She also enjoys rides ( that's why she loves going to amusement parks ) and outdoor activities.

When in class, she usually doesn't pay attention. She puts her earbuds on and let her mind wander. Teachers usually scold her about that and demands her to discuss the lesson instead since she doesn't pay attention to it at all. Upon hearing that, she'll go in front of the class and discuss the lesson in a manner that everyone will understand easier than when the teacher are the ones discussing it. She's very smart even though she doesn't put too much effort. Well, thanks to the tutoring and advance lessons she received ever since she was young. She has a very carefree attitude when it comes on studying.


*Family Background:

Jung Krystal was born in San Francisco and moved to Korea when she was 7 due to their family's company. Being the youngest daughter of one of the riches family in Seoul, she grew up getting what she likes and having a life everyone envies of. With just one swipe of her credit card, she'll have all the things she desires to have. Not to mention she gets everything as its best like: a prestigious school, a huge house, best clothes and gadgets, etc. She and sister even got private tutors on their home ever since they were young so they'll be advanced. They only go to the school to experience social life and also to get a diploma.

Even though she gets all the pleasure in this world, she never really felt the presence of her parents. They were always away and doing business, may it be in Seoul or overseas. She hardly sees them at all. When they see each other, they don't really bond instead they argue a lot. Her parents is against her taking up Performing Arts for collage since they believe she'll have no good future there. They also compare her a lot with her sister, Jessica. They say that she should be like her instead since Jessica is doing well in school and only making singing as a hobby and not a future career. They usually controls her life, what she should and should not do. She should take up a major focusing in business management for collage since they want her to help her sister in the future. They never listened to want she really wanted do to in her life.

But Krystal is not mad at Jessica since it's not her fault. She actually loves her sister very much since she's the one who always supported her with what she really wanted. Jessica is the one who reasons out with their parents about letting Krystal decide on her own. Unfortunately, their parents just won't listen at all even to their favorite daughter.

The only reason they went to SM Academy, despite their parents protests, is that they insisted and promised that they'll only do performing as a hobby but not as a future career. Because of this, Krystal started to be rebellious hoping that it might get her parents attention and to finally listen to her.

Another thing that made her reach her breaking point is when her parents decided to arrange her with someone who she doesn't even know. Her parents say that the guy is the son of another prestigious family who is one of their partners in their business. They arranged a marriage between them and her parents saying that it would be for her own good. When Krystal asked why her and not her sister instead, her parents say that they trust her sister that she'll make the best decision for her life on her own unlike her. So they don't have to control her in what she does but her, she needs a lot of it. Krystal knows to herself that it's not only the reason why they did it. It is because they want to gain more wealth and the unknown guy's family in the way to maintain it and make they even richer. And they prefer it more if they sacrifice Krystal for their advantage instead of Jessica. So Krystal is always thinking of ways to stop it. That even make her rebel more.


Best Friend(s):

Other than f(x), Krystal is very close with Girl's Generation as well since her sister is there. She's closest with Taeyeon since they have same vocal lessons they attend to.


Love Interest:

Lee Taemin

Date of Birth: July 18, 1993

How did/do you guys meet:

It was during the junior year and Krystal is laying on a bench somewhere in their school with her headphones on. She's ditching class again and she didn't even notice that it was lunch break already. She got up after looking at her wristwatch and removed her headphones, placing it around her neck. She was about to get up from the bench and meet up with her friends, but she suddenly heard something she know she shouldn't. A girl was making a confession and eventually the guy rejected her. She look behind her and she was correct, the guy was none other than Lee Taemin, the school's kingka. Suddenly, the girl was practically throwing and forcing herself at him and Taemin was clearly wanting to get away from her. Krystal sighed and thought what's so good about him, anyway? All of the girls are like confessing to him and even stalking him. She somewhat knows that Taemin was sick and tired of it already. She shook her head and got up. She decided to walk towards the opposite direction so she'll not pass by the two. As she was about to enter the school's building, she saw Taemin running away and the girl from last time was catching up with him. The two of them locked eyes and just stood there staring at each other. When the girl started to call out Taemin's name, he suddenly pulled Krystal and kissed her. That surprises all of those who have seen it especially the girl. Krystal just stood there and looked at him with wide eyes while Taemin was giving her a look that says, just play along with him. He told the girl that Krystal is his girlfriend before dragging her away. Krsytal was outraged with what happened while Taemin tried to reason out with her, saying that he's tired of all that's happening to him. After arguing and talking about it, Krystal agreed to pretend to be his girlfriend. The deal will benefit both of them anyway. Taemin will be free from those crazy fangirls while Krystal can run away from her arranged marriage with a stranger. Both of them are aware of these things and agreed that no one should fall in love with each other as the act goes on.

How did you fall in love/ start liking him/her:

It was when Krystal had a huge and serious fight with her parents and she feels down and frustrated. Taemin told her that he'll make her forget about it. He also offered that he'll be her personal genie for that day only so whatever she wishes, he'll make it come true. Both of them spend the whole day together. Krystal requested him that they go on an amusement park and they did spend the day there ( alot of sweet and fun things happen ) Krystal enjoyed the rides the most since she loves exciting things. The day was spent full of smiles and laughter but it has to end as well. As Taemin dropped her home, he said that she has a minute left before midnight so he's still willing to grant her a wish. Krsytal suddenly hugged him and said that they stay like that for a while. When the clock ticks twelve, she let go and thanked him for the wonderful day and for making her forget her problems. She then kissed him on the cheek and run inside her house. That's when she felt something different towards Lee Taemin, her fake boyfriend.

How you act around eachother:

At first, they only act sweet and caring in front of people but when they're already alone, they act as if they are total strangers. But as time goes by and they knew each other more, they started to warm up little by little. They eventually became friends and cared about each other. They are more comfortable with each other and their closeness isn't really just an act anymore. They know each other a lot so they can tell how the other feels and how they think. They even support and cheer each other. Taemin became somewhat unexplainably protective and jealous over trivial things after sometime. Which left Krystal confused about what's the real deal between them since their girlfriend-boyfriend relationship is just an act.


Back up Love Interest: Kim "Kai" Jongin

Date of Birth: January 14, 1994

How did/do you guys meet: Same as Lee Taemin

How did you fall in love/start liking him/her: Same as Lee Taemin

How you act around eachother: Same as Lee Taemin


*Love Rival:

Kim "Kai" Jongin ( is it okay even though he's already the back up? )

Who is he/she: Ex-Boyfriend / Close Friend

*History between you two:

Well, they knew each other since middle school and became close friends. But after their graduation ceremony during middle school, he finally confessed his feelings about her. Krystal also confessed that she likes him back so they started dating. After dating for two years, they somewhat realize that the feelings are slowly fading away. Before anything bad happens between them, they decided to break up so the reason of their break up wouldn't be because of something negative. They decided maybe they're better off as friends only and believed that if they're really for each other and then they are. They still became close friends like just like the old times after that incident.

How do you act around eachother:

Really close friends.They act casually towards each other and it's not awkward at all. They even indifferently do skinship and such ( like hugging, kissing on the cheeks when saying goodbye, placing an arm around the other's shoulder, etc. ) It's like nothing changed that's why people are confused whether they are still together or really not. They are still concerned about each other but only in a friendly way. They are still playful and somewhat sweet towards each other.

His/Her role in the story:

He is Taemin's best friend so he's really something as Taemin's rival. He'll be the reason why Taemin always gets jealous when he's finally falling in love with Krystal. After sometime, Kai realized that he still love Krystal and wants her back but it is too late... or is it? When Krystal finally realized her feelings for Taemin, Kai suddenly confessed to her again leaving her confused again. Despite knowing that Krystal is Taemin's girlfriend, Kai still confessed hoping that Krystal might come back to him again. But in the end of course, Krytal will realized that the one she really loves is Taemin.



  • Spoiled
  • Carefree
  • Smart
  • Outgoing
  • Perfectionist
  • Friendly
  • Loyal
  • Manipulative


  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Ice Skating
  • Playing the piano
  • Acting


  • Shopping
  • Doing makeovers
  • Singing
  • Hanging out with friends
  • Going out for a trip ( usually with her friends )
  • Designing clothes
  • Taking pictures mostly selcas or with her friends


  • She bites her lower lips when she's in an intense situation like when she's nervous, scared, worried, etc.
  • Plays with her hair or poke the cheeks of the person beside her when she's bored
  • Ruffles her hair with a groan when she's frustrated
  • When she sleeps while sitting down, she hugs the arm of the person she's leaning on. It's her way to find comfort. Like when she's sleeping she always needs something to hug.
  • Smirking every now and then when she can sense her victory
  • Sleeptalking and keeps on squirming around when asleep
  • She always takes three deep breaths before performing


  • Fashion
  • Nail Art
  • Her pink polaroid camera which she always uses
  • Music
  • Sweets
  • Makeovers
  • Amusement Parks


  • Bothering her beauty sleep. When someone forced her to wake up, her attitude will be cranky but she'll be back to normal after 15 minutes or so.
  • Insects and bugs
  • Doing household chores and cooking since she doesn't have any idea on how to do those things at all.
  • People who are rushing her
  • People who controls her
  • Seeing and hearing balloons that are bursting
  • Horror movies or anything scary


  • Deep Waters | Since she drowned and almost died when she was a kid. She can still handle gong in the water as long as it doesn't reach up to her neck or else she'll freak out and gets the sensation of drowning again
  • Frogs | Whenever she sees one she screams her lungs out and run for her life. She always gets a sick feeling on her stomach when she sees one and thinks that it might leap on her anytime
  • Darkness | She feels alone when she's in the dark so she'll immediately look for someone she can hold on to tightly.
  • Lightning

*Major/minor: Performing Arts


  • In one of her bedroom walls, there's a collage of pictures which she took together with her friends in order to cherish their moments together.
  • Her comfort food is ice cream
  • She loves to eat a lot but never got for and never gained weight
  • She always wears a musical note necklace which was given by Jessica during her 15th birthday. It is really precious to her since it symbolizes both of their dreams.
  • She and Sulli have a pair of friendship ring which they both wear on the index finger of their right hand
  • She treats and calls her animal-printed headphones as her "baby". Inflict any damage on it, get ready for her rage. But when in classes, she uses her hot pink triangular earbuds so she can hide it under her hair.
  • Always getting an A+ on her grades even though she doesn't study that hard. She only fails on behavior and also gets detention a lot that's why it is reported always to her parents.
  • She can't sleep when there's no music.
  • It takes her hours just to finish preparing herself. She takes a bath for more or less an hour. She keeps on changing when choosing her outfits before she becomes satisfied. Applying make up and doing her hair takes a long time too.
  • She takes vocal lessons together with Taeyeon and Luna after school.
  • When f(x) did something, she's usually the one who talk their way out so sometimes they escape the punishment they should get.
  • She's very ticklish on her sides.
  • She tried to cook on her own before and Jessica almost had an heart attack because of what she has seen, everything was wrong.
  • She can only cook properly if there's someone who is guiding her.


*Do you wanna work at Lunar Cafe?: No, I don't think it would be fitting for Krystal's attitude. =))

Explain how you want the story to end: Well, a happy ending, I guess... I mean, there would be something life-changing event ( an accident or some sort ) wherein Krystal's parents would finally open their eyes, mind and heart so they can listen to what she really wants in her life. Of course, also a happy and fun life with Taemin as they achieve their dreams together and be successful in their life. The rest... um, you could surprise me =))


Anything specific you want to happen:

  • ​There would be one time wherein Krystal and Taemin will make their so-called "love story" so they will be consistent about it and people will not doubt. At first, they'll protest with each other's idea but they will agree on one after some ideas. I guess, it will be about music. I would like to hear some funny suggestion at first. You know, some too much cheesy ones or something not fitting for their personality.
  • Another one is maybe there would be a scene wherein Taemin will play the piano and Krystal would sing. It would be also for a performance and maybe some dancing too wherein they'll be partners? Yeah, during practices they'll somewhat have quality time together.
  • Maybe there would be one time when Krystal's necklace went missing on the quadrangle ( ? anywhere as long as the necklace wouldn't be found that easily and not in the classrooms or hallways. ) while she's running away since she did something again ( ditching or anything ). Then she'll look for it the whole day and it even started to rain hard but she didn't go. Taemin who just finished his dance class, saw her in the quadrangle. He scolded her since he got worried and forced her to go home by carrying her on his shoulders ( not the piggyback one, okay? ) After knowing that it is something important to her, Taemin went back and look for it instead in the middle of the downpour.
  • This is kind of connected to the previous scene request. After being in the rain for the whole hour, Taemin got sick of course. Krystal visited him and Taemin suddenly gave her the necklace with a weak smile on his face. She was surprised with whet he had done and also took care of him even though she has no idea how to do it at all. She even sang Taemin to sleep while he is lying on her lap.

That would be all, sorry if it's a lot but you don't have to write it all. Surprise me with the scenes! =)) HWAITING!

Suggestions: None really =))

Questions: Is her personality fitting for the role? I'm really kind of worried about that. So if there's something wrong, confusing or whatever, tell it to me and I'll change it. And sorry if my app is so long snd that I edited the format, I was bored so... yeah =)) Hope you didn't mind, though.

Password: EXO Planet


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no thank u for applying u did a good job and yeah okay kai is an awesome love rival lol and i liek how u put pics too