Help... Emergency

oh so here i am again... knocking to your kind hearts, asking if you could help me think of some sort of scenes regarding this theme... 


"Breaking barriers,  Living in harmony"


this is for the upcoming reader's theater contest for division level... and i really need it now... the contest is already this friday... please somebody help me...


i actually decided to lend a hand to my classmates since they doesnt have a piece yet and this is our last year in high school and i would really feel bad if they would end up not competing due to not having any piece  to present.


please reply to me via commenting on this blog or posting on my  wall... i would really appreciate it if you could help me guys...


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I wish i could write something to help but i !!!! ;___; but i do like what
-Angela-Zhang- wrote :DDDD me also like ~
I'll probably add to the idea ^^ it's just I have to go to school now ^^'
When I read the topic, I think about 2 people who are not so fond of each other overcoming their differences. Maybe a cultural barrier of some sort? Or a difference in beliefs? Like the saying it's always better to have another friend than an enemy...
So in terms of kpop, the first thing that comes to mind is the only 13 problem with Zhou Mi and Henry. Maybe, to make it more realistic, Zhou Mi is a foreign student in Korea. No one likes him much because he's quiet (Korean isn't good) and shy. Also, he's from a different country.
Leeteuk however, wants to try and be Mimi's friend, so he starts talking to him. He helps Mimi with his Korean and his confidence. Slowly, the other students also accept Mimi, and maybe there can be some kind of culture project at school, and Mimi enlightens everyone on his home country.
Barriers at overcome. Friends are made. Me liking , Mimi and Teuk fall in love :)
Hope it helps!!!