ZE:A FIVE. ;u;

omg i think i should seriously start learning more about ze:a LOL
sub-unit or whole group, i always love their songs. ; ;
/found them when i found ze:a's why in 2011. LOL. eue;;

i didn't realize it was a sub-unit until i was like, "wait wasn't kwanghee in this group too?"
& then i had to google and then ya LOLOL. ouo

their songs are always the best like omg ;u;
/loves mvs like these too so liAK HOLLA.








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Luciano #1
They have always been good, people
won't notice it though, because they're
twin_magic #2
I love ZE:A. My bias is Heechul, but I was sad when I found out he wasn't part of this sub-unit. But my 2nd bias (Siwan) is in it, so I'm happy :)
ZE:A's underrated as well, despite how much talent they have.