I Give Up On Kpop Star 2




Wow, no. you for eliminating 2000 Won. I have no more hope for this show, seriously. Bang Yedam made it into top 3? It's a joke that he even made it into top 5. I can already imagine that Andrew will get eliminated next week, Akdong will come second and BYD will come first. They would only keep Akdong because they're a crowd favourite. It's so stupid how the judges get such a huge say in who getes eliminated because in the end it should be the publics vote.


I hope Akdong gets eliminated too now, so they can find a good entertainment company that won't restrict them. I really hope 2000 Won get signed with like Loen or something. Some company that won't trying and change them. I guess it's going to be just like American/Australian Idol, where the winner isn't as successful as the other finalists. When 2000 Won and/or Akdong Musician beat Bang Yedam on the music charts, I'd like to see JYP's face. ing dickhead.


you JYP. you and your concerning obsession with Bang Yedam. This is probably why your entertainment company is turning into a hole. Rather than having this sick little obsession over Bang Yedam, why don't you listen to what the public has to say? That's how you gain your revenue by selling us goods. Not even International fans like him and that seems to be the only thing that's keeping JYP afloat.


I'm really pissed off, so sorry about the unnecessary swearing that I did. I'll probably write a rage post about JYP another day because I really hate him. :)


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I've not been following kpop star.. But WTF?!! 2000 won got eliminated?! Stupid show! I wish the same for them too, good company that would appreciate their fresh and unique talent. And, not changing them at all!
god no!!!
2000 won eliminated!!???
yeah, ____ you JYP