When you read over the history with someone and just nearly breakdown

Cuz you seriously expected them to actually care but they don't even come online and you don't know if they're on hiatus or like anything..

we got along well too and just...


I really miss Jay.

Its only been a month but it feels a lot longer..

but isnt a month a lot of time?

I mean..I'll wait more yeah..but i just hope he comes back soon..


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Meng_JiaRP #1
yeah i know how it felt =(
Awww.. I've been doing that for quite sometime now. Didn't when it started but it feels like i've been doing it for months. Hmmm... Like what Kyungsoo said, nice yet painful. I like it too. It's like you're hoping for things to go back yet you already know it's not gonna happen so you just move on. /sighs/
I always read over old conversations.
i like the feeling of it. It's nice yet.. painful.
like. you miss them a lot in away.
words can't explain how I feel actually.

I feel like I'm not active at all.
I'm always on roleplay republic
cause that website is so fun.
I go on everyday for however many hours,
but I'm inactive on here.
just a detail that I wanted some to know. otl.