15 things guys hate about girls

side comments for the things guys hate about girls aren't written by me but by a classmate. She's really funny :P  She's the one who surveyed the male students.


Guys hate about girls.

1.Too whiny (or too talkative, nagging too much)

2. Get emotional really easily (sensitivity)

3.When they try to get men to talk about their emotions (“you look sad”, “are you okay?”, “You know you can always lean on me” are things they find awkward so if they look down, just try to be yourself instead of making the guy talk to you about his problems)

4. “You’re like a brother to me” (it’s like s you’re applying for a job. The manager says you have all the qualities we need but we won’t hire you. We’ll hire someone else instead who’s probably really stupid, alcoholic and a jerk. In fact, We’ll use you to compare to other applicants and we’ll come cry  and complain to you about the person we hired. But then we’ll hire someone else again. Actually, we’re never going to hire you even though you’re good, funny and perfect for the job so don't get your hopes up)

5. All boys are the same. (No they’re not)

6.When they gossip to you about other girls.

7.When they take everything seriously (guys like to tease girls they like so don’t get offended if he’s playing with you)

8. When they flirt with you for a while and it’s obvious but then you make a move and they say “sorry”

9.When they provoke you or try to get you angry (they will get angry, trust me)

10.they want the boy to ALWAYS plan things or always be the first to call/text

11. When they talk about their ex.

12. They’re too self-conscious

13. Attention seekers (they want you dedicate all your time to them.  They have friends and family too, you know)

14. They shop for a long time but only buy 2 things (I like that sweater but I need those sandals so I’ll buy that purse)

15.thinking that a celebrity is their role model and that he’s the greatest person ever (Martine Luther>>>Justin Beiber you all)



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not really for me because I don't do much of these things, because i usually hang out with guys and they tease me ALLLLLLL the time XDD its funny...im also dating my bestfriend so yeah XDD
ilovekorea #2
This is kinda true too~
leficklerabbit #3
*justin bieber
not the JJ project's awesome JB
leficklerabbit #4
i don't know,,, because i'm a girl,,
even me as a girl.. i'm quite agree to this LoL and the side-comments :D
rocksolidpanda #7
This is awesome! XD
bwhaha omg!!
i can totally agree to this from a guy's point of view.
even though i'm male.
but i do agree that a majority of girls really need to rethink themselves if they have ever found themselves doing these.

can't wait for "15 things girls hate about guys" :D
Batrizy #9
Agree agree agree