S.M Academy Application


AFF username: Melly_pie
AFF link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/259542
Name: Bae Suzy
*Nickname(s): Giant Maknae, Him Suzy
Date of Birth: October 10, 1994
Place of Birth: Gwangju, South Korea
Ethinicity: Korean
Language(s): English(basic) Mandarin(basic)
Name of Group: Miss A
Relationship with each member:
Fei- Is like an older sister to Suzy. Always watches out for her and is very overprotective of her. Sometimes Fei can get a little overboard with her overprotecting all the other members.
Jia- Always teasing each other and pulling pranks on the other members. Suzy's BFF and practices singing with each other a lot.
Min- She's also like an older sister to Suzy. Loves to go shopping with Suzy and practices her dancing non-stop with Suzy. Their mothers are close friends making them childhood friends.
Personality: Suzy is very kind, outgoing, and friendly. Unlike others she is aware of her own mistakes and actions. She's the type of person who gets along with anyone. When people are rude to her, she usually just shrugs it off. When people are rude to her friends, she'll make you suffer. There are times when she can be stubborn and impatient. When she's in a bad mood she gets all grouchy and bitter. 
*Family Background: Has a mother, father and a brother named Sang Moon
Best Friend(s): f(x) Amber, IU and 2NE1's Dara
Love Interest: Xiumin
Date of Birth: March 25, 1990
How did/do you guys meet: She dropped her secret journal and Xiumin eventually found it and kept it safe until he found out it was hers.
How did you fall in love/ start liking him/her: His charming personality was why I fell in love with him.
How you act around eachother: Like friends. There's a bit of chemistry between the two.
Back up Love Intrest(in case 1st choice is taken): Chanyeol
Date of Birth: November 27, 1992
How did/do you guys meet: Our parents were childhood friends
How did you fall in love/start liking him/her: He was very kind to me and he was also very funny.
How you act around eachother: Like best friends.
*Love Rival: UEE
Who is he/she: Ex-friend
*History between you two: We were very close. Until she was very rude to my friends, started stealing from me and lying to her parents. She also got me into a lot of trouble.
How do you act around eachother: We act nice when others are around. When its just us two there's lots of tension.
His/Her role in the story: UEE will lay her eyes on every guy I fall in love with. She won't stop until I'm unhappy. She always tries to flirt with him and she would always make sure I was out of his way.
Talents: Singing, dancing, acting
Hobbies: Dancing, photography, writing
Habits: Nail biting, hiccuping when scared, smiling
Likes: Funny people, candy, food, rain weather, bubble tea
Dis-likes: Rude people, bugs, getting sick, embarrassment 
Fears: Losing her friends, loneliness 
*Major/minor(subject you're aiming for in college): Major in acting and singing
*Trivia:(no limit)
Never had her first crush until High school
Never had her first kiss
Anything specific you want to happen: A scene where the love interests sends her a bunch of cute notes and puts it in her lockers.
Suggestions:(if any)
Questions: Did I do this right?


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yes u did it right thank u for applying!