If you haven't already heard anywhere, UMG is taking away kpop from international fans.
( UMG stands for Universal Music Group, and even though they aren't Korean they have the right to block music and music videos in certain countries. )
Most Cube Entertainment videos have been blocked in the USA and UK.
There are going to be more kpop videos to be blocked in international countries.
They want to keep kpop restricted to Koreans like it originally was. I guess they hate the hallyu wave.
They've already started, and the USA and UK are the first victims of this.
Other international countries such as Canada and Australia will be targeted soon.
Cube Entertainment is the first Korean label to have complied with UMG's actions.
You will find that if you live in an international country, videos from this company have all been blocked.
This is absolutely retarded. We are kpop fans and we are proud.
The success of kpop is because of the international fans. Without us, it's only a small number of Koreans.
Asian countries have not yet been targeted. This is pure racism.
Koreans that live in international countries cannot listen to the music of their culture.
UMG, you will not stop us. We will keep going and we will make sure we keep kpop with us.
you should be ashamed. International fans love kpop and we are proud of it.

Help us get noticed and save kpop for international fans' sake.
Start trending #giveuskpop on Twitter, Instagram and every hashtag website.
Repost this message on Facebook, Asianfanfics, Twitter, anywhere we can be noticed.


Written by JUBILEE @ ASIANFANFICS. Please repost.




Yes people of Asianfanfics, UMG IS technically taking Korean Pop Music away from us. And yes, they have the right to take down music and music videos. But, just because they're taking down music videos, it doesn't mean that they want to restrict Kpop to the people of the Republic of Korea only. UMG didn't release an official statement yet, so let's not assume that they hate the Hallyu Wave. (When you assume, you make an out of U & ME. - My English Honors Teacher). Let's not assume that they hate the Hallyu Wave. Maybe they do, maybe they don't, but we don't know that. So, just keep your mind neutral to their thoughts. 
Hey, they wouldn't be the Universal Music Group if they disliked any type of music culture, right? And apparently, they are blocking these videos for a while not forever. They wanted to see how many Koreans actually watch KPOP videos, without the International fans' views affecting it.
Apparently they might be doing this for another reason.

"It's because most of CUBE's artists are signed with Universal Music Group who has the publishing rights for these artists worldwide except Korea.
The videos are available on youtube on for example 4minute's vevo account which is handled by UMG. International fans are supposed to watch them there so that UMG are the ones getting paid by youtube for the views."

"Apparently UMG is doing it because 4minute (and I assume others?) are signed to them worldwide. They blocked the videos to everyone but Koreans as they want international fans to watch their vids on the vevo accounts. Basically, it's because of money."

In the first quote, its saying that they have the publishing rights for the artists. And yes, 4minute has a VEVO and their videos are still there. They want the International fans to watch the videos there, so they can earn money. Sure, what UMG is doing sounds racist, but if you were to dig deeper, and if the things I quoted above were right, its all marketing strategies. That's how companies are, they do everything they can to earn the dough (money). No matter how mean or corrupt sounding it is. That's the ~ * evil side * ~ of business for you.

In my opinion, I don't think its racist, really. If UMG took down the videos for marketing reasons it seems absolutely reasonable. By the way, racism is a touchy subject bro I kinda cringed when you said that, tbqh. Very sketch move.

But if UMG took it down because they dislike the Hallyu Wave, then that's very unreasonable for them. And they shouldn't do that if that's the truth.

We don't know much information about these matters, other than the evidence of the videos being taken down, but we shouldn't jump into conclusions that much. What is this, the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympics Track and Field Long Jump event? But for the time being, let's support our artists the best that we can.

I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But, don't jump into conclusions that does not seem reasonable. Would a huge company really hate a strong cultural wave that could bring them tons of cash? I don't think so.



This has been Serious Kpop Discussion Time where AFF user absence is serious, and does research. Feel free to repost, add your opinions in the comments below. And definitely don't forget to Like, Comment, and Subscribe. *michelle phan voice* Good Luck.


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