Painful Goodbye


You know the feeling when you turn your heels when you already said goodbye and left everything behind with a big smile saying that you will forever keep these memories inside you but deep inside, your hurt sad and lonely because you know that these memories will never repeat. Then you stepped down the same staircase you always curse every morning then reality crash that this maybe the last time you will ever pass the same staircase next time and slowly tears blurred your sight but you kept it in, then the last step came and you were doubtful because you know that if you take that last step, you can never go back but you did and you fell into your knees crying, already regretting the things you didn’t do for the year because you already miss everybody. But then again you kept in mind that this is not goodbye that this is another chapter of our lives but it saddens you deeply because it will never be the same again and just let your tears fall down your cheeks.


People come and go and you let them go, but letting go isn’t an easy task to do.


In my opinion, summer is the time given to students to mend their hearts from the goodbye by having a vacation to simply forget the pain but in the end, you will forever have the memories in your heart


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too true! haha!! :D
oooo ikr? ouo