The Best Day Of My Life - 15th birthday one shot written by Katy!

Lesley May, is the type of girl everyone wants to be friends with, her smile is contagious, her attitude is almost always positive, and her kindness is worth a million, something not many can find, in girls that date band guys these days, which made Lesley May, girlfriend of Nick Santino.

It was no wonder when Lesley’s birthday was coming around, that Nick surprised her one evening by telling her, they were going to Paris, where her Papa, and Nana lived, where she had spent many childhood summers roaming the streets at farmer markets with her Nana for her Papa’s family owned restaurant but soon gave up going when she and Nick got serious, and he got really serious with touring, the past three summers had only been about touring, so her life soon became about touring, supporting, and co-selling merch with Bam.

Now our story begging July 5th, 2011, on Lesley’s twenty first birthday, on the busy streets of Paris, right outside Je T'aime, the family owned restaurant, where the lovely couple stood hand in hand watching as cars drove by, and families walked with their children, smiling and laughing, taking Nick’s slightly rough hand in her soft one, Lelsey pulled him along to follow her, down the street.

Walking past, and around the people, the whole time Lesley had a smile upon her beautiful face, Nick couldn’t resist the smile that grew upon his face, to match the lovely smile of his girlfriends, not one stopping to ask her where they were going, this trip was all about Lesley, and where she wanted to go he would let her lead, where she wanted to be the were there, if it was just sitting in the restaurant all day, or watching movies that made no sense to him, because they were in a different language, as long as Lesley was happy he was happy.

Coming to a stop and facing Nick they stood before, the Eiffel Tower, near a carousal, and Nick smiled at her knowing this was the place she would spend her last day with her Nana of every summer and vacation, having the time of her life, at the little carts you could pay little bit of money for foods, and souvenirs to bring home to your love ones and friends, and cherish those precious moments to be had.

Nick again took Lesley’s hand in his and looked to see that they sky was growing dimmer and the lights of the carousal, were becoming lit, lighting all the horses upon it’s magical sea horses, and dogs, and lions, and tigers, also some bears, but upon it all was what some called Santa’s sleigh, it had been Lesley’s favorite, and next to her favorite was the bear.

Pulling Lesley he walked over to the person who was managing it, he pulled his wallet out but the man held his hand up and shook his head no while he smiled at the couple, and opened the gate and let them walk in to the enchanted area, where Lesley walked past all the animals and stopped mid way at the sleigh and smiled at Nick, as she sat down, Nick sat beside her and put his arm around her, letting out a content sigh Lesley let her head rest against head against Nick’s shoulder, making her feel safe and secure in the arms of the one she loved.

As the carousel twisted and winded around, the couple just sat and admired the Eiffel Tower as it came to life with the lights twinkling like stars upon a starry night, feeling as if they were the only ones, just the way Lesley wanted to spend her birthday, getting up in the morning in the arms of the boyfriend she cherished, having breakfast with her Aunt and Uncle, going the farmers market with her Nana, then having lunch with all her family and boyfriend at the restaurant, going on a walk down town, going to the park, and then going back to the restaurant for some soup before they had dinner that night, and then ending the day where they were at, in the arms of the boy who stole her heart many years ago.

“Did this live up to expectation?” Nick whispered gently and softly in Lesley’s ear, making her smile and nod her head yes, as she watched it start to slow down, not really wanting this to come to and end, she looked into Nick’s eyes and smiled even bigger.

“I know I had the best day of my life.” quoting Taylor Swift seemed to be the right thing to do, for he often quoted Love Bug, her favorite Jonas Brother’s song, and probably one of the only songs she truly loved by them, smiling Nick pecked Lesley on the lips and rubbed his nose against hers making her smile she did the same back to him, and watched as they began to move faster and heard a click of a camera to go off, turning around, Lesley saw a man with a smile upon his face and winked at the couple, he turned around and walked over to his little girl who sat on top of the bear.

“Je T'aime, Lesley.” Nick whispered, and Lesley giggled and kissed Nick’s cheek and laid her head softly back on his shoulder and took in the best day of her life.


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