Epic Entertainment application



Soloist Application

username (Hunny_chan210) || Rin || activeness (in the scale of 1-5 [4])




Baby U~

Character Name: Seo Ra Rin

Nickname: Rin or Rain 

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Birthdate: March 9 1991

Birthplace: South Korea

Hometown: Busan

Languages: Korean

Ethnicity: ----------

Bloodtype: O

Height: 162cm

Weight: 46kg


It's U~

Personality (paragraph form)

ON-SCREEN: She can be very kind and helpful. She is funny most of the time, she has a sweet image. She is caring and generous, she looks out for her friends and family. She can be shy most of the time, she is a hyper girl



She can be very shy, she doesn't like to talk much or she is a mute half the time. She is very caring towards animals but has a short temper against people around her. She curses under her breath most of the time, she doesn't show much emotion unless you are close to her.


Likes: Kpop, Sweets, animals, flowers

Dislikes: Bugs, scary movies, crying

Habits: Puffing her cheeks, aegyo and blinking her eyes every minute

Hobbies: Scribbling in a notebook, dancing when music is on and cooking when hungry

Flaws: not good at sports, playing a instrument

Fears: The dark, lightning

Trivia: Ra Rin likes to eat a lot of ice cream, she dances randomly when she listens to music through her headphones, she sometimes have a rock style clothing but the rest are baggy clothing to hide her stomach and such. Her motabolism burns fat very fast (so jelly >.<) etc.....



Ulzzang Name: Ah Ri

Ulzzang Pictures: x  x  x  x  x  

Back-up Ulzzang Name: RiRi

Back-up Ulzzang Pictures: x  x  x  x

Extras: -----------



Style: ( I don't know >.<)

Airport: x  x 

Casual: x  x  

Formal: x  x  

Swimming/Party: x  x  

Training/Practice: x  

Doorm: x  x  


Stand By Me~

Family: (Max of  1 Idol brother/sister but I prefer Ulzzangs)  

Father: Seo Jong ki | 45 | manager | Honest, caring, over-protective

Mother: Seo Hyun Ah | 41 | actress | Kind, caring. Hyper when she talks about grandchildren of her own even though she doesn't have any yet

Sibling : Seo Ri Rin | 20 | waitress | sister | Bubbly, helpful, caring, Kind. Ri Rin helps Ra Rin all the time in her studies and gives her advise in her job

Family background: Filipino-korean. Because dad came from Korea while mum came from Philippines, they met in Manila where they talked to each other and slowly fell in love. Very kind Family of 4, they are christian. They go to church every Saturday but not anymore in Korea, they would just pray every morning and night now.

Best Friend: IU | close friends | 23? | Singer | sweet, kind, helpful and caring | Ra Rin and IU met by being introduced to each other by their managers and some other friends.

Friends: BoRa (Sistar), Gikwang (B2ST), Daehyun (B.A.P) | close friends except for Daehyun (boyfriend now) | 19-23 | Singers | KInd, caring, over-protective sometimes and helpful | Ra Rin met them at their company buildings since she was getting toured around them by her manager 


Here Comes Trouble~

*Ex: Name | Age | Occupation | Personality | Why did you guys break-up

*Rival: Name | Age | Occupation | Brief personality | How you met | Why you hate eachother


Be My Baby!~

Love Intrest: Luhan

Age: (I don't remember)

Group: Exo-m

Personality: Sweet, kind, caring

How will you meet: We will meet by bumping into each other on a bridge near a river garden

How you act around eachother: shy sometimes, 

Relationship: friends for now


Back-up Love intrest: Taemin

Age: 20

Group: Shinee

Personality: lively, kind, caring, generous and shy sometimes

How did you meet: We met when our parents introduced us to each other

How you act around eachother: Like brother and sister way and we joke around with each other, and sometimes we prank people together

Relationship: friends


A Short Journey~

Trainee life: ( I don't know)

Training years: 2 years

Singing Links: Ailee

Dancing Links: G.Na

*Rapping Links: x  x  x

Stagename: Rin

Fanclub Name: Ra Rin

Fanclub Color(s): variety of colours

Talent: singing and artistic


See Ya~

* means its optional


Scene requests: ummm detailed ones I guess

Song Suggestion: any would do



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dongy you need to fill out the family part i will give you a link to one of my applications for a reference okkie.... here you go http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/414880
for the singing and dancing links look for youtube links... for singing links look for a singing twin kinda like someone who you like to sound like e.g. ailee, iu, lee hi, etc... dancing links look for a dancing twin or if you just want to be like juniel just being a singer. And for trivia its just fun facts about your character its unlimited e.g. favorite ice cream flavor, another talent of hers.