90 things about me (stolen from emotionalwordplay)

1.) What was the highlight of your week? last night! super show 5! even though i missed a lot sobsob

2.) Whose car were you last in? my mom

3.) When is the next time you will kiss someone? the next few years when i get married

4.) What color shirt are you wearing? orange

5.) How long is your hair? past shoulders

6.) Are you good-looking? no

7.) Last movie you watched? hearty paws 2

8.) Who were you with? when i watch the movie or...?

9.) Last thing you ate? fried mee

10.) Last thing you drank? sky juice

11.) When was the last time you had your heart broken? let's not talk about it

12.) Who did you last text? a friend

13.) Are you happy right now? not really. THE DUMB INTERNET IS SLOW

14.) What did you last say? "kangin... /cries/"

15.) Where is your phone? i don't know ._.

16.) What color are your eyes? black. i think

17.) Are you left-handed? right handed

18.) Spell your name without vowels: r ss  l

19.) Do you have any pets? no

20.) Favorite vacation? there is no vacation in my dictionary ._.

21.) What do you dislike currently? the internet (_ _')

22.) What are you listening to? infinite man in love. cries i'm addicted since they released the mv ;A;

23.) If you could have one thing right now, what would it be? faster internet connection. or... ss5 concert ticket...

24.) What is your favorite scent? um

25.) Who makes you happiest? no one

26.) What were you doing at midnight last night? spazzing

27.) When is your birthday? 15th october

28.) Who has the same phone as you? no one

29.) Last time you went swimming in a pool? when i was 5 i think. i'm not even kidding

30.) Do you read your horoscope? no

31.) Where was the last place you bought something? phone shop

32.) How do you feel about your hair right now? i want to chop it all down

33.) Do you bite your nails? yes

34.) Do you have any expensive jewelry? i don't have jewelry...

35.) Do you have any inexpensive jewelry? ^

36.) Myspace or Facebook? tumblr

37.) How fast have you driven a car? never drove one

38.) Have you ever smoked? no

39.) What's your favorite school subject? ENGLISHEE

40.) Where are you? home

41.) What type of boy or girl do you usually fall for? i've never fall for anyone after him...

42.) Do you have any hidden talents? i don't know. i probably haven't find one

43.) Favorite song? let's not ask about this ;A;

44.) Do you like to sing at all? of course

45.) Dream job? photographer or musician

46.) Where does most of your family live? malaysia

47.) Do you have siblings? a sister and brother

48.) Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? no

49.) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? let's not wake up and continue sleeping

50.) Do you drink? no

51.) Know any other languages? of course

52.) Ever wrote a coded message? no

53.) Have you ever been a part of a wedding? yes

54.) Do you have any children? no

55.) Did you take a nap today? no

56.) Who has the same birthday as you? my mom, zelo, donghae and yoon jongshin

57.) Ever met anyone famous before? you mean famous worldwide or...?

58.) Do you want to be famous one day? no. i want to be recognized

59.) Any pet peeves? If so, list it. no

60.) Are you multitasking right now? no

61.) Do you like modern day music? is k-pop modern day music? if yes, yes.

62.) What's your least favorite chore? cleaning /bricked

63.) Last place you went to? kitchen

64.) Ever been out of the country? no

65.) Where were you born? earth

66.) Could you handle being in the military? no

67.) What is your height? let's not talk about sad things

68.) Who are you thinking about right now? no one

69.) When was the last time you laughed really hard? last week?

70.) How many pairs of shoes do you own? three

71.) Are your toes always painted with nail polish? no

72.) How many piercings do you have? one. two if you count both ears /bricked

73.) What are you doing today? sit back and relax and spazz over ss5 fancams

74.) Have you ever been gambling? no

75.) When was the last time you updated your social networking sites? five minutes ago...

76.) Do you like rollercoasters? hell no

77.) Have you ever been to Disneyland or Disneyworld? no

78.) Do you have a favorite cartoon character? mulan or anastasia

79.) Last thing you cooked? fried mee

80.) How's the weather? it's raining...

81.) Do you email? yes

82.) What's the stupidest thing you've ever done with your cell phone? i accidentally throw it across the room and it broke. instantly. fast like a lightning.

83.) Last time you were sick? last week

84.) What states have you lived in? i never moved

85.) Do you wish you could move? to seoul. yes

86.) Are you sleepy? no

87.) What is your dream car? let's not talk about cars. I'M REMINDED OF ARBITRAGE OKAY. it's jaguar btw. that baby is beautiful

88.) If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? in front of ss5 concert venue

89.) Have you ever wanted someone you can't have? no

90.) Are you happy with your life? kindly look back at number 13


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