Inside Of You - My 16th birthday on shot written by my friend Katy.

Lesley, sat on her suitcase as she tapped her foot crossing her arms around herself trying to keep warm, from the cool, San Francisco wind, that blew around her. She had been sitting there for the past thirty minutes waiting for her best friend to pick her up.

A white van, pulled up in front of Lesley, causing her to look up from her spot, where she watched a girl with long brown hair jump out of the passenger seat, running towards her, Lesley quickly jumped up and put her arms around the girl.

“You have got to be kidding me, you made me disconnect the trailer, to just come and pick this chick up from the airport,” Joel, the lead singer yelled at his best friend, getting out the drivers side, Joel, walked around the front of the van, grabbing Lesley into his arms. Lesley laughed at her friend, he had always had a way of making a moment a great moment.

“Aw, Joel, your growing you hair,” Lesley ran her fingers through the blonds slight shaggy hair, he laughed pulling her hand out of his hair, taking her suitcase, opening up the door he put her suitcase in the back, then walking around to the drivers side and buckling up.

“So Mrs. Monaco, how bad is he?” Kay, got back in the passenger seat, of the van, as Lesley closed the back door sitting next to her suitcase.

“In all honesty, he is miserable, when he head you were taking summer courses and not coming on tour he was a wreck, he was like me on a period, but like ten times worse, without the bleeding,” Joel made a gagging movement after Kay’s way of explaining causing Lesley to giggle.

“My poor baby,” Lesley sighed placing her face on the palm of her hand as she watched the scenery of the San Frisco traffic went by, she knew that Joel was pushing it, because the look on the clock read, that it was twenty minutes to seven, and Austin Gibbs, was due to get on stage soon.

As they drew closer, Lesley looked out at the hills of streets, how the went up and down, a smile crept up on my face. She remember how when the guys, went on tour about two years ago, Kay and Lesley went along with them, Kennedy, told her his dreams of one day living here, raising their kids, while they opened an all age music venue.

Lesley noticed that Joel parked out in front of the bus, that was all white and big, quickly jumping out of the van, Kay handed Lesley, her laminated pass, as they walked into a venue, where a local band was opening for Austin. Lesley could feel the cold hard stare of die hard fans of Kennedy, and the stares of the fans that hated her or envied her.

Lesley and Kay were stopped, by girls, along with fans, asking for pictures with them, it always made them feel a sense of pride when they were asked, it was usually only at shows, or when they were in Tempe, hanging out together.

Watching Kay closely, Lesley watched as her friend bounced around on the heels of her feet, as Austin began to play his guitar, along with his friend. She to couldn’t help but sing along, soon after clapping. It was amazing to watch her friend play on stage, while he danced around.

Joel and Alex walked past both of them kissing their cheeks as they ran behind the stage, tuning their guitars and such, so they would be ready to jump into action. Lesley in a way was in a hurry for the show to be over so she could hug Kennedy, it had been months since she last time she saw him, and the feeling and desire she had to see him was killing her, she wanted him inside of her, inside of her thoughts.

Zoning out, Lesley started to watch people dance, sing, and have fun with their friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, it made her smile, she remembered being some of these kids ages, doing the same thing they were doing.

Kennedy had taken Lesley, to see Death Cab For Cutie, two years ago, where he had his arms wrapped around her waist, he swayed to the movements of her hips, he sang a long word for word, that left Ben’s mouth. It had to have been her favorite concert in her top ten, it was also the night that Kennedy admitted that he loved Lesley.

Kay, grabbed onto Lesley’s arm, getting her attention pointing to Joel, laughing, Lesley looked at Joel who was downing a full water bottle, then wiping the sweat off his face, he laughed as he threw the water bottle out, the fixed his microphone.

“Okay, so today, I had to drive in busy traffic with Jared’s girlfriend Kay, to go pick someone up from the airport, she’s my best friend. I had no idea she was coming out, here, to see me, anyways, Kay and this girl are like my sisters, they are both in love with two great guys,” the crowed went aw, “Anyways, these girls have a favorite song of ours, that is sadly our last song of the night,” many people shouted in protest, “so for our last song, we’re going to play Love and Back.” soon after that the guys all started to play their instruments.

Lesley and Katy started dance around along with the crowed screaming the lyrics at the top of their lungs, it was true this song, was their favorite by the boys, but they knew as soon as the new album came out, it would be replaced by another song, that is if the new album was lucky enough. Lesley along with Kay felt a pair of arms around their waist, looking to see who the culprit was, the recognized, Austin Gibbs, who just smiled at them, and joined in on singing along.

“Oh, oh, oh, I went to love and back, oh, oh, oh.”

After the song was over Austin took the girls over to the bar, grabbing them waters, then helping them get on stage, as This Century, was taking down their equipment, so that way Moose, and Aaron could start to set up along with Mark The Maine’s new techie.

“Okay, so you girls just stay here, Kennedy won’t be able to see you Lesley till after I move, from helping them play the first three songs, even then he might not think to look over here till he needs a drink of water, so hold this,” Austin handed Lesley, a ice cold water bottle, so Kennedy would have to come to her, for the water.

Lesley just nodded her head as she started to talk to Kay, about the new songs. Lesley had heard about half of the album, but not the rest and she was interested to hear more of it, after all the album was coming out in six days. She knew they had worked so hard on it, that was what Kennedy had been talking to her about a lot lately, during their Skype sessions, when he wasn’t telling her how much he loved her.

The lights soon went dim, and Lesley, knew the show was about to begin, stepping back she made room for Austin who took his place behind the microphone stand, with his guitar in hand, he winked over at Lesley and Kay, making them both grin.

Lesley watched as the boys filed out on stage and the crowed went crazy, screaming, they even saw girls crying, it was like they were watching a mini, Beatles show, laughing Lesley shook her head, she probably would be the same way as them, if she wasn’t dating the guitarist and back up vocalist of the band.

As all the guys filed on, Kay put her arm around her best, as she noticed that Jared was looking out in the crowed for her, during shows, he loved to have Kay either by his side of the stage, or at least somewhere he could see her, she was the one who could settle his nerves, and he did the same for her.

Both of the girls feel in to the beat of the music dancing and having the time of their lives, singing along to their best friends, their brothers, and family’s music. It was something both of the girls loved doing, they cherished getting to share their love with music with the ones they loved.

As the third song came to it’s end and John told everyone to thank Austin, for helping them do their set, Kennedy walked over where Austin had been standing to grab his water bottle, but when he didn’t see the water bottle on his amp, he looked around, and it was then he saw Lesley, holding out an ice cold water to him.

It was also then, that Kennedy’s once dropped heart was now back in it’s place, where a smile reached the corner’s of Kennedy’s mouth, he took Lesley into his arms, holding her close to him, she started to place kisses all alongside the right side of his face, some people in the crowed were to busy throwing at John, to even see what was going on, but some fans were a hooting and a hollering.

Kay left the couple as she walked to the other side of the stage and sat herself on top of an amp, near Jared who smiled at her and patted her knee as she crisp, crossed her legs, the fans screamed her name causing her to blush and wave at the crowed.

When Kennedy finally let go of Lesley, he knew he could smile and be himself, he wasn’t going to be afraid, for the other half of him was there. Getting back to the show, Kennedy sang his heart out when it came to the new songs, Lesley would blow kisses at him, give him thumbs up as the show went on, it was the most amazing experience she had ever had.

Lesley and Kay’s heart fluttered, every time the crowds would sway together in unison, along with singing their hearts out, when they were all on cue, they had the most amazing voices they have ever heard at a show. They laughed at John’s jokes, and his antics on stage, how he would yell for everyone just to shut up for a few seconds.

As the show came to an end Lesley and Kay got on their feet making their way towards the stairs of the venue that led to the dressing rooms, they stood on the top step as they listened to the crowed sang the last part of We’ll All Be, to fulfill, John’s dream to have everyone singing We’ve all been degraded, we’ll all be the greatest, it could have brought tears to their eyes, to see the smile on their boys, but they promised they wouldn’t, they knew this day would come, and it did.

Once at the bottom of the stairs Lesley and Kay started to pick up all the clothing that was thrown around the floor, laughing at some of the weirdest stuff, but when it came to underwear, they both agreed not to pick it up unless it was their boyfriends, it had always been their thing, to pick up after the guys.

The guys walked in sweaty and hearts full of love from the crowed they had. Kennedy ran up behind Lesley, causing her to laugh, she wasn’t going to complain about how sweaty he was, she learned in the past that complaining never got her anywhere, just let him love her to the best.

Turning around Lesley took the towel from Kennedy’s hand, wiping his face down, she then put her forehead against his, he locked their hands together, the music from upstairs was playing giving them a rhythm to dance to, they did this every night after shows that Lesley had gone to, it was her way of calming Kennedy down after a show.

“Kennedy,” Lesley whispered, he mumbled a quick yeah, “I know I’m going to fall, and I have, and you waited for me, I couldn’t wait anymore I wanted inside of you, I wanted you inside my mind, Kennedy, I love you, I can’t be without you anymore, I dropped out of college, so I could be by your side, so support you.”

Lesley could feel Kennedy’s grip on her hands grow tighter as he opened his eyes, a smile was on his face, it wasn’t because, he was happy that dropped out, he felt sort of shallow like he made her, he was happy because he was going to get to share his bunk every night, with the girl he loved, he was happy that was going to feel love, along with the greatness of it.

“Don’t say you just want to runaway, replay all the things I wanted to say, your twenty-one, so your leaving school and coming over to be with me?”

Lesley laughed at her boyfriends antics and cheesiness, nodding her head, Kennedy let go of her hands putting his hands on either side of her face, he kissed her passionately on the lips, her lips started to go in motion of his, the whole room were laughing, except for Kay and Jared, they were in their own room.

Kennedy detached his lips from his girlfriend as he flipped the band off, Lesley was doing the same, while staring at her boyfriends beautiful eyes, he quickly kissed her lips, taking his shirt off he exchanged it for a better looking one.

“Oh, by the way Lesley, happy birthday.” Kennedy walked away from Lesley who had the perfect smile, it was true, Kennedy had gotten inside of her head, in those five minutes they were them, he read her mind about the love she had for him, and she read his mind, this may have been the best birthday Lesley just celebrated.


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