-~♔PRINCE55♔~- ; application


Contact Info---x  

AFF profile link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/57533

Character Info---x  

Gender? : female   
Full name: Park Seorin
Nickname: Rin/Seori
Age: 16
Date of Birth :  March 5,1995
Height: (in cm) :168 cmWeight: (in kg ): 48kg  
Blood type:O   
Enthnicty: (Part asian): Half Korean half Filipino   
Language(s): (don't go overboard - -): English, Japanese, Chinese, &KOREAN  
Hometown: (Just the country): Seoul, South Korea  
Apperance:  https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/252131_102394986521292_102390776521713_19010_7976255_n.jpg





Ulzzang name : NekoNyapii 
Style: : http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3evgW6kb8o3pI7cbNZx4cS71uAGdUkl6c4sUi6pHGr6kv_Fqy4A



Personality: Seorin can sometimes be eccentric, she is sometimes bipolar and changes her mood easily, she doesn’t like it if her friends gets hurt even her family, she’s typically shy but out spoken, when she is angry she just stares at them coldly and keeps quiet, she outgoing and fun to be with she often jokes and acts like the youngest, she loves pulling pranks at her closest friends, she’s very affectionate and caring, she gets shy but acts normally when her crush is around, she graduated earlier than the Jo twins because she wanted to focus on her career, she is smart and intelligent, she likes to smile and smiles a lot even though she’s hurt. She always bring a mirror and her cellphone with her, she sometimes gets lost, she’s a little bit clumsy and dorky. she LOVES singing and DANCING like it was her life. She has a incredible singing voice and dance moves. XD
Likes: (7+):   

Ø  Sweet things

Ø  Music

Ø  Shoes

Ø  Books

Ø  Musical instruments

Ø  Movies

Ø  Anime

Ø  Sleeping

Ø  Chocolates

Ø  games

Dislikes: (7+ ):

Ø  Bitter and sour foods

Ø  Fake friends

Ø  Showing off

Ø  Critiques

Ø  Cockroaches

Ø  Bets

Ø  Brutality

Hobbies: (3+)

Ø  Playing musical instruments (piano, guitar, violin)

Ø  Reading books

Ø  Surfing the internet

Ø  Hanging out with friends

Ø  Playing sports (badminton, lawn tennis, bowling)

Ø  taekwondo

Habits: (6+)

Ø  Hugging pillow while sleeping

Ø  Turning the lights on before sleeping

Ø  Reading in moving vehicles

Ø  Carries a mirror

Ø  Taking pictures of unusual stuff

Ø  Spacing out

Triva: (4+ [ things about you ])

Ø  Spaces out at times

Ø  Blinks faster when nervous

Ø  Does not sweat a lot

Ø  Loves to cook

Ø  eats less when hungry
Extra talents:

Ø  playing the piano, violin and guitar

Ø  know taekwondo and judo

Background Info---x  

Background: Park Seorin was born in the Philippines but her family transferred to Korea after 11 years, her parents spoiled her but she did not grow up as a spoiled brat, she often sings in school plays and acts.i knew the Jo twins even before they Debuted, I had a not so secret crush for YOUNGMIN but everytime I tell him that I like him he just laughs and smiles at me.
Trainee BACKground: I was scouted by YG’s President when he saw me singing in one of my school plays, that time he thought that he can mold me to be an actress and a singer, but her changed his mind right after he saw me dance and sing at the same time he decided to put me in a group, the President had a hard time convincing my parents to let me participate, but they allowed me since they knew that singing and dancing on stage is my passion. The trainee life was hard because I need to balance my school time and my training time, but I worked hard and learned how to balance everything.
Trainee years: 3 ½ years
Family: Park Ann Li- my mom, a caring mother who always wanted the best for me and my little brother, she works as a accountant in a bank.

Park Min Hyuk- my dad, he is a loving and caring, he is silent at times but gives me advices especially in things that I don’t know.

Park Jong Hyun- my little brother, he is 11 years younger than me, I love him so much and we are inseparable at times.

t age Info---x    

Stage name:Rin
Persona: (3+): Princess Gamer, Aegyo princess, cold gazer
Position:main vocal/ dancer
Personal fanclub name:Rinscess
Personal fanclub color:sky blue and purple

♔Relationship Info---x   

Partner: Jo Youngmin, Jo Kwangmin,Lee Taemin
His/Her personality: Jo Youngmin is a sensitive type of guy but he is not sensitive enough to believe that I like him, he is Boyfriend’s member, Jo Kwangmin he is just like his older twin, Lee Taemin he acts cute but uses forces to get things that he want.
How did you guys meet/How will you two meet?:I met Youngmin when Kwangmin and I were doing our group work at school, basically I first had a crush on Kwangmin but when I saw Youngmin everything changed, we became best of friends up until I fell in love with Youngmin, Kwangmin know about my feelings for his twin and he helps me get closer to Youngmin.
Friends: Seohyun (snsd), Jiyeon(T-ara), Tia (chocolat)
Rival: Suzy(Miss A)

♔Extra Info---x  

Anything else?: I;m allergic to Shrimps

The following : Likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits,age, birthdate,blood type, languages, and trivias are my real : Likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits,age, birthdate,blood type, languages, and trivias..hahaha…
and by the way..:)) Good LUCK with this Fan fic..:))
Hwaiting! <3


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