Paradise App


Application Form:

Username: MulticultureINSPIRIT

Profile Link: [So, I can contact you if anything is wrong with your application.]

Character Name: [Please, Korean last & first name only. Thank you.]

Ko Sujeong 

Age: 17

Personality: [NOT TOO SHORT, NOT TOO LONG please.]

 I'm a very Multi-cultured girl, who very sweet and caring or so i hear, i get scared easily when it comes to meeting new people, but that because i don't trust easily, you has to earn my trust, before I show you my fun, dorky, random, childish side, so only a few people know the real me. i'm a hard worker, who tries her best not to let anyone down, so i think of someone else before, I actually think of my self because i don't wan to hurt anyone. I hate when people cry, because it pulls at my heart. I very serious when it comes dancing and reading. I kinda mean when i first wake up and i'm crazy when i'm sleepy. 

Who do you want as your boyfriend/lover? [Choose only ONE member please. HOYA is TAKEN.]  


Lee Sungjong

Ulzzang: [At least 2-3 WORKING links.]

Ulzzang Name: [Shinyeong is taken!] 

Moon Yael



ONE picture of the member you chose to be your boyfriend/lover: [An updated picture of them please. Either from their 'Paradise' album OR their 'Be Mine' album.]

Extra; your favorite Infinite song: [Because I wanna know. :D], 

Wah, that hard, i like all the songs but some i like one percent more i been a fan since their debut so, can i list my fav from each album

1. she backs 

2.voice of my heart


4.Tic toc

5. Paradise 




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