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Username` melon-ie

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Character Name` Yun Aeran

Stage Name` Aeri

Birthday & Age` 26/11/1995 | 16

Height & Weight` 166cm, 46kg

Ethnicity` Korean

Place of birth` Busan, Korea

Language spoken` English; fluent. Korean; conversational. Japanese; basic


` Kim Jee In

Position` Main Vocal; Sub Dancer

Persona` Baby Melon

Likes` cats, green, milk, food, kiwi, plushies, chocolates, money, headphones, cute things

Dislikes` mornings, waiting, sunlight, darkness, messy hair, cleaning, exams, chores, dirty-minded people, sweating

Hobbies` cooking, shopping, eating, teasing, buying plushies, opening her laptop, listening to music, writing music, taking photos, designing, stalking her friends

Talents ` Writing, photography, sing up to 3 octaves, designing


1. She’s afraid of lizards and clowns

2. She’s a straight A student

3. She can play the guitar

4. She used to wear a Barney costume in a play

5. She likes wearing big spectacles

6. She first sang in front of her grandmother

7. She’s been to America and Japan

8. She falls in love with cute boys so easily

9. Her ideal type is type B or A boys, and that have to be cute

10. She can design things like clothes and other fashionable stuff

11. Her first hanbok was made by her grandmother

12. She isn’t trusted with money – she’ll use it all!

13. She can't talk in Seoul language, she has the Busan accent

Personality` She talks a lot and she's mostly random. She would just let out anything that's in her mind. She's always blur and that's her nickname she got from her friends. She doesn't smile much or whenever she's around strangers. She would do anything crazy and weird in front of people and she doesn't care if it's embarrassing - well not too embarrassing though. She enjoys teasing people but it would always backfire to her.She's quite a hypocrite when it comes to advising people since she never follow her own advice. She is very trustworthy even though she likes to play around. She may seem immature most of the times but she can get serious and when she is serious, you wouldn't like it. People are also uncomfortable when she's serious since she's always talking and smiling. Whenever she's serious, it means she thinking about something really deeply. She falls in love too quickly and she would say it was love at first sight - but she is not delusional or anything. She also hates rejection so she doesn't express her feelings to her crush. She can like more than one guy at the same guy but in the end she doesn't know who to pick. She is very determined to start something but her laziness sometimes gets to her. She has high hopes but yet she lacks confidence. She doesn't depend on her friends much though, unless she really needs their help.

She's very cute and adorable, especially when she smiles. She likes acting cute in front of her crushes and she'll make sure she doesn't humiliate herself in front of him. She's clumsy that it'll make you laugh. She stutters a lot when she's nervous and she won't know what to say. But she can calm herself down if she isn't alone. She can be rude to the people she hates because she isn't the patience type. But she realizes it and tries her best to control her feelings. She is capable of taking care of herself since she is strong and she hates it when people betray or badmouth her. She would definitely have her revenge and take down that person, mentally or physically.

Family members` Her father is Yun Jaebin, age 38. He is the successor of an organic food store and he hopes that Aeran will be the heir of the company. He is very strict when it comes to work but a softy when he is with his family. He is caring and he loves to make Aeran laugh.

Her mother is Kim Chaeri, age 35. She used to be a lawyer but she quit her job to be a housewife and take care of Aeran. She loves Aeran very much and she puts her first instead of herself. She would do anything to make Aeran happy. But she is strict when Aeran doesn’t listen to her.

Family background` Ever since she was little, she's been living in America. She doesn't even remember Korea anymore. She also doesn't know much Korean. Her father was transferred there because he was promoted. Her mother decided to study there while she had the chance. She would send Aeran to a daycare center, so she only sees her in the evening. Her family is a well-off family and she has three butlers for herself. Her house is very big but she feels very lonely in it because her parents aren't always home. She is also the only child in her family so she's always lonely. But with the help of her friends, she's able to smile every day. Her mother feels sorry for her so she decided to quit her studies and stay at home with Aeran. Even though Aeran disagreed with her idea, she'll still spend more time with her mom. She stayed at America for four years, and then she moved to Japan. The same reason as why she went to America. Her father got promoted. Even her mother was tired of moving that when they arrived at Japan, she only stayed at home. After a week, she took Aeran to the shopping mall and shopped for three hours. Aeran whined about her feet hurting, but her mother still went shopping. She barely sees her father so she could understand why her mother is sad all the time. Once, her father took them to the theme park and they left her at the kids' playground for 5 hours while they went 'dating'. When she went to America and Japan, she learnt how to speak in their language too - eve though she was forced to. When they went back to Korea, they moved to Seoul. She thought she was moving again but when her parents told her she was home, she said she doesn't remember anything. She had a hard time speaking to the Korean people. Luckily, her parents were there. She went to a private school in Seoul and she was praised for her fluency in English. But she would always fail her Korean. At that school, there was another school beside it, and there she met Minwoo. He taught her Korean while she taught him English. They were very close then Minwoo began his acting career. She was inspired by him to become a singer & actress. But her parents were totally against it - well, her father, mostly. Her mother supported her though and even took her to vocal training. Her father had no choice to to accept her dream since he's a soft one when it comes to her mother. They took her to dance lessons; vocal training and she learnt how to rap from Zico. Zico is her father's friend's nephew. But rapping was too hard for her to achieve so she quits rapping lessons. She only focused on her singing and then she posted covers on Youtube. She became quite famous on Youtube after that.

Trainee years` 3years

Trainee background` Her friends forced her to audition for CUBE. Hesitated, she auditioned and was rejected because she was so nervous her voice cracked. Then a few months later, she posted a video of herself singing on her twitter and then she got a phone call from CUBE. They wanted to recruit her as a trainee. Her friends told her to say yes but she was afraid her parents would be against it. She told the manager she needed some time to think it out. Then that night, she asked her parents’ permission to become a world-famous star. Of course her mother was very happy. Her father couldn't say anything else but to wish her success. She told the manager that she accepts the offer from Cube. She trained for almost 3 years at Cube and she learnt how to dance from Hyunseung. He took much care of her since her first day of her trainee days. They've gotten quite close and people thought they were a couple. But Hyunseung said on his twitter that Aeran was more a sister than a friend. She also made friends with the other BEAST members and 4minute. Junhyung taught her how to rap. But Hyuna didn't wanted Aeran to learn from him, so she took her in her custody instead. Yoseob taught her how to act cute in front of the camera.

Rumors have it that she was going to be the new member of 4minute. Everyone was excited. But the day before she was an official member of 4minute, there were a rumor saying she seduced the CEO to get into Cube. She got kicked out from Cube but she still stayed in contact with the Cube family. A year later, the nation found out she was accepted as a Doll Entertainment trainee. Nobody supported her and kept saying she won't be a singer, but she'll prove them wrong. She tried her best to not get into any trouble and she keeps her distance from certain people.



Ideal type` Key, Yoseob, B-Bomb

Reason why he's your ideal`

Key; He is cute and very bubbly. He can also act like a mom and cook delicious food. He can take care of her very well.

Yoseob; He is also cute and she likes how he’d always do anything to gain more popularity. She also likes his humor.

B-Bomb; He is very attractive since he can dance very well and he got some swag, which is quite different from her ideal type. But he makes her heart flutter every time she sees him.

Crush` Wooyoung, Dongho, Sungyeol (Infinite)

Reason why he's your crush`

Wooyoung; She likes him since he so cute and the fact the he is quite short makes her laugh. She likes how he is always there to protect her from any harm. He sometimes would flirt with her and yet be very shy around her.

Dongho; She likes him because he treats her differently. He acts all sweet around all the other girls but around her he is shy. He wouldn’t know what to say to her and since they are friends, he doesn’t want to do anything rational.

Sungyeol; She likes him because he is very bubbly and cute. He talks a lot and always makes jokes just to make her smile. He is a very warm guy and she feels comfortable to be with him.

Partner` Youngmin, Ricky, Sandeul

Friends` Minwoo, Zico, Dara, IU, HyunA

How you became friends`

Minwoo; they became friends when she moved to the school next to his school. He first saw her under a tree and she was patting a cat, which he was chasing after. The cat had stolen his cap.

Zico; they met through training and after classes, he would treat to her some food. Since she loves food, she didn’t reject it at all.

Dara; they met when she was a trainee at Doll Entertainment. Aeran was on a task to give Dara a message from her CEO. They’ve became friends when Dara told her to not give up her dream to become a singer.

IU; they met when Aeran worked with IU to make her new MV. They’ve became close friends since they keep seeing each other. IU would also give her singing lessons and some advises.

HyunA; she was her first unnie at Cube and HyunA adored her very much since she was talented. HyunA also became her trainee besides being her friend. They had so much fun when she was a trainee at Cube, but even though she's not a Cube trainee anymore, they still contact each other.

Rivals` Tiffany (SNSD)

Reason for rivalry` They just hate each other and Tiffany always looks down on her.

Twitter account ` @S_Melon

Facebook account ` Yun Melon

Password` BarbieDoll 

Extras` Nope :)


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