my live


 look at the sky,
 blue, yellow, pink, orange,,,,so beautiful
 then, dark cloud come,
 all the beautiful sky gone...
now, i live with a dark sky,
no happiness, full with tears,
i cried until my tears dry..
i think my tears dry,
i can live and get my happiness again,
but its wrong,,,
i have heart,,,my heart pain
full with pain..
like a knifestabling on my heart
no live, no smile,, only tears
looks at another people,,
smile,, happy, full with happiness.
laughing,, playing,,, no tears
 but why i'am full with tears.
i'm a weak person
 i'm want to be strong, but i cant  
can you give me happiness again 
i'm blind with happiness now,,
i can't smile,,  
all my smile plastic
can you give me bright again..
i want lighting,,,
but i cant found it 
can you take me to the wonderful place..
full with laughing, no more tears..

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LucyS0 #1
Ne. What happen? Did you have a fight with somebody?
Omo...canna what had happened to you..