90 Questions


Taken from @FluffyCloud16
1.) What was the highlight of your week?
So far, having early release today
2.) Whose car were you last in?
3.) When is the next time you will kiss someone?
4.) What color shirt are you wearing?
5.) How long is your hair?
Past the middle of my back
6.) Are you good-looking?
People say I'm pretty sometimes...
7.) Last movie you watched?
Mama, I think
8.) Who were you with?
Baby I'm so lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely
9.) Last thing you ate?
Chinese food
10.) Last thing you drank?
That good 'ol H2O
11.) When was the last time you had your heart broken?
Not too long ago
12.) Who did you last text?
My friend
13.) Are you happy right now?
14.) What did you last say?
"Why didn't you eat this?!"
15.) Where is your phone?
Right next to me
16.) What color are your eyes?
Dark-ish brown
17.) Are you left-handed?
18.) Spell your name without vowels:
Nglc (wtf? lol)
19.) Do you have any pets?
Jack russell terrier
20.) Favorite vacation?
I have too many :)
21.) What do you dislike currently?
22.) What are you listening to?
Green Light- G.NA Feat. Jay Park
23.) If you could have one thing right now, what would it be?
A pet unicorn OMG
24.) What is your favorite scent?
Not my favorite, but I love the smell of clean laundry lol
25.) Who makes you happiest?
Jay Park, my best friends, and family
26.) What were you doing at midnight last night?
27.) When is your birthday?
October 4th
28.) Who has the same phone as you?
My best friend :D
29.) Last time you went swimming in a pool?
Two years ago
30.) Do you read your horoscope?
On a daily basis
31.) Where was the last place you bought something?
McDonald's :D
32.) How do you feel about your hair right now?
It's the length that I want it to be, but it's so unhealthy Dx
33.) Do you bite your nails?
Haven't bitten my nails since 7th grade
34.) Do you have any expensive jewelry?
Yes I do
35.) Do you have any inexpensive jewelry?
Most of my jewelry are cheap
36.) Myspace or Facebook?
37.) How fast have you driven a car?
38.) Have you ever smoked?
A hookah, but like two or three puffs. Not that bad, doesn't do anything
39.) What's your favorite school subject?
40.) Where are you?
ma chambre
41.) What type of boy or girl do you usually fall for?
The ones that I can't get (A.K.A Korean idols -.-)
42.) Do you have any hidden talents?
Umm, singing...
43.) Favorite song?
Know Your Name- Jay Park
44.) Do you like to sing at all?
Of course!
45.) Dream job?
A secret agent, I'd be so badass! 
Or you know, any job that involves being around my precious oppas...
46.) Where does most of your family live? 
The U.S, Philippines, and Japan
47.) Do you have siblings?
One older brother and one older sister
48.) Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
49.) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
"It's a half day!"
50.) Do you drink?
Not often. Very rarely actually
51.) Know any other languages?
English, Tagalog, and French
52.) Ever wrote a coded message?
53.) Have you ever been a part of a wedding?
Two of them
54.) Do you have any children?
Too young
55.) Did you take a nap today?
I can't take naps
56.) Who has the same birthday as you?
BTOB's Ilhoon and Wonder Girls' Yubin
57.) Ever met anyone famous before?
Does YTF count? (from youtube)
58.) Do you want to be famous one day?
Hell yea!
59.) Any pet peeves? If so, list it.
When people lie, people who are too loud, people who don't know how to whisper, people who have no respect for anyone's opinions, people who think they're the , when people assume stuff about me, people who call me Angel (dude, that's not my name, and who gave you the right to call me that?!), etc.
I have too many lol
60.) Are you multitasking right now?
61.) Do you like modern day music?
Some, I only listen to some artists
62.) What's your least favorite chore?
Doing the dishes. My only chore lol
63.) Last place you went to?
64.) Ever been out of the country?
65.) Where were you born?
California, The Bay Area :)
66.) Could you handle being in the military?
I actually thought about joining actually
67.) What is your height?
5' 1 1/2''
68.) Who are you thinking about right now?
HIM. 3
69.) When was the last time you laughed really hard?
Today lol
70.) How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A few. Not enough (at least not for the weather right now) D':
71.) Are your toes always painted with nail polish?
72.) How many piercings do you have?
Six :O
73.) What are you doing today?
After I do this long questionaire, watch some T.V then go to bed
74.) Have you ever been gambling?
Not old enough
75.) When was the last time you updated your social networking sites?
A little while ago. I just re-activated my facebook today. But I'm on twitter daily
76.) Do you like rollercoasters?
Love them!
77.) Have you ever been to Disneyland or Disneyworld?
Disneyland! But that was like, 10 years ago :'( Going there this summer though! :D
78.) Do you have a favorite cartoon character?
Spongebob! First thing that popped up in my head lol
79.) Last thing you cooked?
Spam, I think
80.) How's the weather?
81.) Do you email?
Nahh, unless I'm sending something to myself from school
82.) What's the stupidest thing you've ever done with your cell phone?
Dropped it in water
83.) Last time you were sick?
A long time ago
84.) What states have you lived in?
California and Washington
85.) Do you wish you could move?
86.) Are you sleepy?
87.) What is your dream car?
Black C-Class Mercedes Benz!
88.) If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
Korea, or Seattle
89.) Have you ever wanted someone you can't have?
Currently in that situation right now...
90.) Are you happy with your life?
Not happy, but not completely disappointed with it either :)


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