( ❝ SEOUL DISNEY ❞ ) — Jang Yanghee

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username » lunaticmoon
your name » luna
activity » 4

her name » jang yanghee
nicknames »
→ oppa : usually her girlfriends. other female staffs too, because of her non-girlish personality. 
→ monghee : a play on the word mong (blank) + her name because of her usual lack of facial expressions. the boys like to call her this because it sounds funny. 

birthdate » april 01, 1994
age » 19
ethnicity » korean
languages »
korean ; very fluent
english ; good but weak in speaking


ulzzang » ryu hye ju
visuals » one two three four five + gallery
back-up » eun gyeong
visuals » one two three + gallery

appearance »
→ Yanghee has long straight hair with straight fringe that covers her forehead. She usually does her hair in ponytail during her working hours and let it free during break.
→ Her hair is black.
→ Her eyes are dark brown. 

style »
→ Most of the time she goes around in hoody and sweatpants/jeans.


summary » plain—not-so-girly—jane who wishes to live a simple life.

personality »
→ yanghee is plain and simple. no money? get a job. broke up with a boyfriend? move on. "south korea god" wonbin is getting married? weep, wish him a happy marriage, move on. she doesn't like to complicate things and she especially despises drama. she is (sometimes brutally) honest and keeps her speech straight to the point. if someone irks her, she will tell it to them straight to the face. not to look for a fight or anything but to find a solution to that. most of the time, she doesn't go around looking for trouble. she is mostly quiet and only talks when something important comes up-only in the simplest and shortest sentence possible. in other words, she is l a z y.
→ she is not fond of (note:too lazy for) socializing, but she is decent enough to keep a civil attitude towards everyone. sure, she does have fun with co-workers and friends, only when she is in the mood. people who are more sensitive might find her intimidating because of her lack of warmth towards people. she usually finds people who are too soft, meek, or sensitive bothersome, but she is willing to work around her comfortable socializing level to keep a good relationship with them, only if it's of any importance, of course. example: co-workers, group assignment teammates, her little cousins. around these people, she might smile a bit more, becomes more attentive and talks in gentle tone.

→ yanghee is not very girlish either. girls like being detailed; matching the color of their purses with their shoes or changing their haircut to the latest trend. obviously, these stuffs are too tiring for yanghee. she likes to dress simple and doesn't pay attention to gossips at all. boys? why even talk about boys if they are going to complain about having headaches with boys problems. fashion trends? everything goes out of fashion every three months so why even bother. food? yes, let's talk about food. 

→ the matter of the heart. now this is something she is very careful with. it is not as 'plain and simple' as she likes, so she doesn't think about it much. however, when she likes someone, she has trouble expressing her feelings, on contrary to her usual straight-to-the-point attitude. it's not something she could explain with short sentences either. it's annoying. she's also not good showing if she cares about someone (families, friends, her crush). the best she could do is to ask how was their day or asking them if they need anything she could buy.

→ even though she is lazy and doesn't socialize much, she does worry that people might feel uncomfortable with her demeanor; but only sometimes. she isn't really bothered if people ignore her, but she does admits that making friends is her weak point. there are times when she wishes she could be nicer to people (like when a misunderstanding arise, or when she didn't mean to hurt someone because of her blunt speeches).

history »
→ yanghee is the youngest child in the family with two older brothers. being the youngest and the only girl, she was often bullied by her brothers for the attention she got from their parents. her brothers were the main reason she doesn't like being girly or cute. they pranked on her a lot on her birthdays.
→ her parents are the typical, old-fashioned asian parents who doesn't shower their children with much privilege and luxuries. if they want something, they need to at least prove their worth (with straight A's report card) or work for it themselves. she starts taking part-time jobs since she got into universities; which is when her parents start to nag on how she should be working for her own pocket money.

→ she used to crush on the school president in high school. she even confessed to him but he rejected her (in a mean way /sobs) saying she must be joking. he said she was too boyish to his liking. he even advised her to dress up a bit. ever since she is not interested in dating at all.

work ethics » she does her work accordingly. she isn't too ambitious that she would do more than being asked for, nor does she slack off at any given chance. she does slack off from time to time, but only if it doesn't affect her job performance. to her annoyance, the customers like to ask her for directions. she treats them well, though. after all, the customers are the one she worked for after the employer. she is always ready to assist whenever a customer or other employees need her help. her biggest weakness is she hardly wakes up early. it's fine as long as she is assigned to an evening shift, otherwise...

trivia » 
→ favorite food: kimchi and kimchi flavored everything. favorite drink: ice blended yam.
→ favorite color: dark blue and gray.
→ hobbies : sleeping. make DIY furnitures/stuffs. read comics, including romance.

→ she gets really embarassed wearing skirt or doing aegyo or just acting like a girl in general (like being whiny and all cutesy).
→ wearing makeup.
→ she hates doing aegyo so much she might cry if being forced to do one (especially in front of so many people).

 she applies for janitor because she thought it requires the least interaction with other human beings.
→ otherwise, mascot because she doesn't have to speak and can hide her face, no need for those fake smiles.
→ other than people asking for directions, she actually stumbles upon lost kids at the park a lot. annoying as they may be, those screaming kids, but she feels it's a responsible for her to take them to the announcement booth.
 she is stronger than most girls, but not as strong as most guys.
 currently on a semester break of her first year in university. she takes mechanical engineering and quite a good student (GPA range 2.9-3.7).
 her parents are still alive and well, but they don't treat her special anymore.
→ her oldest brother dotes on her now (because he feels bad about bullying her a lot when she was younger) and likes to ask her to do aegyo, especially when she needs him to do her a favor. her other brother is like a friend who likes to pull pranks on her, but still secretly looks out for her.
→ she is not fond of meek girls because yanghee's weakness is when a girl cries. she would turn into jello and tried anything she could to make them feel better.
→ she hates birthdays. obviously.


on good terms »
→ i get along fine with anyone i think, but i guess i get along best with people who are really chill and doesn't judge, especially on appearance /shrugs
→ also, uh, it's quite difficult to get along with people who are really shy and quiet because, yeah, i'm not a good talker to start with but they're fine i guess.

on bad terms »
→ people who are snobbish, who likes to find faults in others, lack manners, doesn't show equal respect to everyone. drama queen/king.
 girls who are too meek kind of irk me i guess, but i try not to dislike them too much. 
→ players, fake people, pretentious people.

friendship ranking » 
1) my love interest, or if that's not allowed... baekhyun
2) yixing
3) kris
4) xiumin
5) kyungsoo


family » 
jang yangjoon | 25 | coffee shop owner/barista | older brother | 5
→ sweet talker, caring, witty, gentle, wise 

jang yangjae | 24 | fashion designer | older brother | 3
 childish, funny, stubborn, confident, opportunist   

friends » ( optional - max of 3 )
lee sunkyu | 19 | student | bestfriend/classmate since elementary school | 5
→ cheerful, talkative, bubbly, blunt, loyal



love interest » suho | 22 | ride supevisor 
back ups » 
1) baekhyun | 21 | food cart attendant (ice cream)
2) chanyeol | 21 | ride supervisor
personality »
suho → he is just a warm, kind, friendly person in general. he enjoys making people happy, getting to know people and simply seeing a smile on anyone's face. suho, like most younger staffs out there, works at the theme park to earn some pocket money with his own sweat as he attends college. he is very good with children and is easily likeable, especially girls because of his charming smile and gentlemanly demeanor. he gets along fine with the boys too though they like to make fun of him because of his soft-spokenness sometimes. he is the peacemaker among the staffs whenever a misunderstanding arise. the guys, younger and older alike, like to go to him for advice or when in need of some serious discussions.

suho is very patient and is almost immune to provocation. he is very good at negotiation so he rarely gets into a heated fight. when he is angry, he just seems stricter and firmer than usual but he rarely loses his temper. all his family members are wise and gentle which explains his behavior. he is also a good listener and doesn't judge when people confide to him.

back-up 1 baekhyun → a bit more mischievous than the other two. he enjoys teasing people too. baekhyun is kind and friendly to everyone and has a very developed protective instincts (standing up to bullies, gets people to stay away from trouble, etc.) and can be very hostile towards bullies. has a tendency to lose his temper (towards people who are unjust) under dire/intense situation. he treats friends to ice cream sometimes to cheer them up.

back-up 2 chanyeol → similar to suho in the way that he enjoys making people happy. suho gives off a general vibe of a really gentle person while chanyeol is more cheerful and happy. he likes to go to suho for advice. he is kind to girls though he doesn't exactly understands them well. 

first meeting »
it can be her first day working or not. suho is on the way to the break room when he saw a group of teenagers passing by yanghee and literally bumped into her by accident. yanghee fell to the ground and the garbage from her garbage bag scattered around. suho quickly helped her up and tried to call back those teenagers to ask them to apologize to her but they were already too far away to hear. suho helped her clean up the mess and found out that yanghee scraped her knee and was bleeding, so he insisted on treating her wound at the break room (since he was an active member in first aid team or something in high school). 

his act of kindness made her heart race, though she did not exactly fall in love with him right at that moment. she was just a little flustered because it was so rare for boys to be so gentle towards her given her nature. his kindness made her guard up too since his personality/first impression was too similar with her first love in high school, the president who rejected her. thus, though thankful, she acted a little surly towards him. suho on the other hand found her to be amusing. he was used to girls melting at his angelic smile and warm attitude all the time. he thought she was a little hardheaded as well.

relationship »
their feelings gradually grow for each other. suho finds out that somehow yanghee has problems bonding with her colleagues. he would drop by sometimes and give her some tips as in who likes what, what makes him/her happy, just some little things that are easy to do even for someone as cold and lazy as yanghee. yanghee likes him more as days go by because of his kindness and that he continues to help her overcome her social awkwardness. suho on the other hand starts developing a soft spot for yanghee because she actually listens to him and isn't as hard-headed as he initially thought she was.

yanghee still doesn't talk much around him and often feels like he is too good for her, but she obviously listens to him and rarely disagrees with his opinions. suho on the other hand likes to keep extra attention on her. partly to see her being nice to other staffs and partly looking out for her. suho is always keeping his eyes on her so whenever she turns to look at him, he is already looking at her. whenever they are together in the same place, suho likes to keep a close distance with her.  


what job position are you applying for?

what other jobs are you willing to do
1) mascot, preferably one that wears a fully covered costume
2) store clerk
3) restaurant waitress

how did you hear about the job opening?
i am in need of a job and has been searching everywhere. my friend recommended to me from the opening she saw online.

why do you need this job?
because i need money.
uh, i mean... i'm trying to be independent and find my own source of pocket money instead of depending on my parents.  

what can you contribute if chosen to work here?
...my... *clears throat* my diligence and determination in making sure that the park offers a pleasant and magical experience to all visitors and staffs alike. since i'm applying as a janitor, i'll make sure that no visitors will ever have bad opinions on the whole establishment after leaving the park. 

what iS your favourite disney movie and why?
pocahontas because john smith is kinda hot- i mean pocahontas is cool and badass. i mean look at her, she dumped john smith.


comments or questions?
as i wrote about all three potential love interests, i started to think 'omg i can't choose between them!' haha ok you might find this comment unnecessary... also, thank you for that disney tumblr! google images wasn't helping much orz...

scene suggestions
→ something like an orientation day or simply a company trip to enforce teamwork and stuffs between employees. you can use the chance to develop the relationship between the co-workers or any possible pairings. 

→ she realizes that her skin is getting darker, for working under the sun all the time. even though embarrassed to death, she goes to ask one of the female workers (other applicants) about skin care and related products. 

→ she's working on a late shift after the park is closed, suho sees her and offers to get onto the ride with him. 

→ yanghee being penalized for coming late to work(morning shift)?

→ a female staff tried to talk with her about her problems, a relationship problem maybe, which is her least favorite thing thing to talk about. yanghee tried to brush her away with excuses, but the staff cried instead. yanghee was so freaked out she did everything she could to make her stop; offer her ice cream, pat her back, etc. afterwards the two grew closer.

→ people (male or female staffs) ask about her birthday. when she told them, they laughed thinking it was funny/she was fooling around but yanghee stares back coldly. everyone turned quiet and gulped, scared at her expression.

→ found a lost kid who couldn't stop crying no matter what she did. on the way to the announcement booth, she stumbled upon her love interest. turned out the kid was his little cousin. he found out she was actually nice despite her cold exterior.

→ there is a firework show one night. suho invites her to watch together. she is too lazy to go but he grabs her hand and takes her with him. it's the first time they hold hands.

→ her brothers visit her at workplace and embarrass her with their doting/teasing. the older brother get the gist about suho crushing on yanghee and vice versa. yanghee and her oldest brother briefly talked about suho at home. she tries to brush it off like it is nothing but her oldest brother sort of like giving her moral support to 'go get him' or something. meh.

→ a sudden, very, very brief blackout which startled yanghee. she unconsciously clings to suho and gets very embarrassed later on. some co-workers  who are around teased them.

→ a kiss scene with her love interest. she is wearing her janitor uniform so she turns her face away when suho is about to kiss her. he asks if she doesn't like him, yanghee answers with something like she is embarrassed because she is wearing her janitor uniform. he tells her that he likes her for not how she looks or what she wears and kissed her. (omg is this too cheesy? hurhur) 

anything else??
love, love



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