90 Questions (Mheeeeee~~)


1.) What was the highlight of your week?
Practicing for our recognition lol
2.) Whose car were you last in?
My auntie's car
3.) When is the next time you will kiss someone?
4.) What color shirt are you wearing?
White.... XD
5.) How long is your hair?
Up to my waist~~~
6.) Are you good-looking?
Well...dunno ask my friends if ya know them~~ XP
7.) Last movie you watched?
Your My Pet (Korean)
8.) Who were you with?
My family
9.) Last thing you ate?
10.) Last thing you drank?
Well...water lol
11.) When was the last time you had your heart broken?
When my crush is inlove with some other girl :/
12.) Who did you last text?
My best friend and my service
13.) Are you happy right now?
14.) What did you last say?
"Okay" XDD
15.) Where is your phone?
Beside me~
16.) What color are your eyes?
Dark brown~
17.) Are you left-handed?
18.) Spell your name without vowels:
19.) Do you have any pets?
20.) Favorite vacation?
Umm...when we goto Laguna(?) XD
21.) What do you dislike currently?
People who claims their bias mine!
22.) What are you listening to?
23.) If you could have one thing right now, what would it be?
A genie with no wish limits ;)
24.) What is your favorite scent?
Chocolates~ I like the scent of chocolate well...kidding umm...i like the scent of Perfume~
25.) Who makes you happiest?
My family,close friends,my biases,KPOP and SNSD,EXO and Teen Too~
26.) What were you doing at midnight last night?
Reading stories here in aff XD
27.) When is your birthday?
 April 22 ~ Coming up na~~~`
28.) Who has the same phone as you?
My brother?! XD I dunno~ But that person is lucky to have the same phone as mine
29.) Last time you went swimming in a pool?
30.) Do you read your horoscope?
Noooo~~ I dont like reading Horoscope's well..i dont believe it sort of....
31.) Where was the last place you bought something?
Umm....at the mall~....At the canteen on our school~ XD
32.) How do you feel about your hair right now?
33.) Do you bite your nails?
34.) Do you have any expensive jewelry?
Yes,but i dont wear it that much
35.) Do you have any inexpensive jewelry?
Yes.... i always wear those XD
36.) Myspace or Facebook?
37.) How fast have you driven a car?
I cant still drive well...im still young~~ :)))
38.) Have you ever smoked?
No...i dislike smoking!!!
39.) What's your favorite school subject?
English,Science,Recess and Lunch XDD (Are those 2 even a subject?? XD)
40.) Where are you?
41.) What type of boy or girl do you usually fall for?
Umm...the one who knows how to cook,nice,can make me laugh,has a beautiful voice,has a beautiful eyes..,handsome??,smart...and caring....and loves me for who i am! 
42.) Do you have any hidden talents?
Singing,Dancing and well...acting :))
43.) Favorite song?
All KPOP songs! XD I still cant decide but Promise (SNSD),Baby Dont Cry(EXO) and 
Miss Right (Teen Top) are my favorites XD
44.) Do you like to sing at all?
Yes...only in our house
45.) Dream job?
Singing~ Umm...i want tobe like SNSD (maybe?)
46.) Where does most of your family live?
Canada,America and Philippines
47.) Do you have siblings?
Yea,one brother...
48.) Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
49.) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
About EXO XD
50.) Do you drink?
No...but i drink [V___a] XDD
51.) Know any other languages?
A little bit of Korean,Chines and Japanese just the basics but in Korean...well....dunno~ XDD
52.) Ever wrote a coded message?
53.) Have you ever been a part of a wedding?
No..............................coming soon...? whut XD
54.) Do you have any children?
My Cellphone,my dog and wifi~~
55.) Did you take a nap today?
56.) Who has the same birthday as you?
I dunno try researching ;) XD
57.) Ever met anyone famous before?
58.) Do you want to be famous one day?
Yea..kinda i wanna be like SNSD
59.) Any pet peeves? If so, list it.
60.) Are you multitasking right now?
Deh... XDD
61.) Do you like modern day music?
Sort of...slight....sapat lang XD (Filipino word)
62.) What's your least favorite chore?
Buying food...
63.) Last place you went to?
School XD
64.) Ever been out of the country?
Nah...but soon ;))
65.) Where were you born?
Here in Philippines
66.) Could you handle being in the military?
O_O i dunno XD
67.) What is your height?
Well...i stilll havent checked what's my height~ 
68.) Who are you thinking about right now?
My biases~
69.) When was the last time you laughed really hard?
Last monday...or saturday well..i forgot  XD
70.) How many pairs of shoes do you own?
71.) Are your toes always painted with nail polish?
Yea...Colorless XD I like colorless ^_<
72.) How many piercings do you have?
73.) What are you doing today?
Well...typing this! Jk...Spazzing~~
74.) Have you ever been gambling?
EWWW...nahhhhhh i dont like gambling!!!!!! >_<
75.) When was the last time you updated your social networking sites?
Last 1 hour
76.) Do you like rollercoasters?
I still havent ride rollercoasters
77.) Have you ever been to Disneyland or Disneyworld?
78.) Do you have a favorite cartoon character?
79.) Last thing you cooked?
Carbonara and Noodles
80.) How's the weather?
Slightly hot since its still 10:26 am here but later on the afternoon the weather will be hot 
cause its already summet here T_T
81.) Do you email?
Not that much...
82.) What's the stupidest thing you've ever done with your cell phone?
Drop it TT_TT
83.) Last time you were sick?
Last year!
84.) What states have you lived in?
85.) Do you wish you could move?
Move what?! XDD lol no...i like here because here in our country "You can do what you want"! XD
86.) Are you sleepy?
87.) What is your dream car?
Ummm...Porsche?! Ummm.....i like all the cars! 
88.) If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
89.) Have you ever wanted someone you can't have?
90.) Are you happy with your life?
Yes...Im happy with my life~~ But it would be more happier if ill marry one of my bias (boy) T^T XD

Just reposted from a friend..Well..im just bored...really BORED!! =,=



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