Application for ♔Princess Training♔.

Username. . allyyoung  Link to my profile ->

Activness : 10

Name : Alexis Young


Character's name : Alexis Young [Finds out that real name is Allyiana.]

Bloodline : Atlantica Bloodline

Mermaid tail color : light purple 

Nickname : Ally

Age : 17

D.O.B. : 01/17/96

Weight : 122 Lbs or 55 kgs

Height : 5'7 or 170 cm

Birthplace : Manila, Philippines

Hometown : San Deigo, California

Ethnicity : Quarter Korean, Quarter Filipino & Half Greek

Languages : English, a little Filipino, and Korean

Ulzzang : Kim Seuk hye

Back-up Ulzzang : Jang Hae byeol

Personality : Alexis is very shy and timid when meeting someone new. But that doesn't stop her from being curious about her new aquainttance! She'll try her very best to get to know them and finally be able to open up to them. Once she becomes more comfortable with that person, she starts to joke around, ask if they want to go eat, or simply if they want to listen to some music. She becomes more and more outgoing, the more she gets closer to someone or if she is around people she is close with. Although she is a mermaid, her curiosity levels are really high, but sometimes her curiosity gets her in trouble ( she tried to do things her brothers could do like peeing standing up.... didn't work out too well.. hehe). 

Alexis started human highschool ( didn't know she was a mermaid untill a family vacation when she was 17) at the age of 15, she was really an outcast. She a had a few friends here and there but there wasn't really any who can make her feel like she wouldn't be judged if she wore or said something so her confidence level is realllllly low. That's one of he reasonswhy she doesn't like wearing showy clothing, she thinks she doesn't look good enough to pull it off. Even though her parents say she has nothing to worry about, she does not believe them.. She's weird like that but hey, what teenage girl isn't like that? xD

Likes : Cool days, Sea-salt ice cream, Listening to music, drawing abstract art.

Dislikes  : Judgemental people, Waking up early, Hot weather, Having to wait for someone for a long time.

Trivia: Has A.D.D.(just like other demi-gods), sleeps with a penguin plushie, used to do graffitti art for fun (on a canvas of course).

Habits : Tends to space out when in deep thought, sometimes forgets where she places things, starts doodling when a teacher is giving lectures about stuff she already knows.

Hobbies : Swimming (after she found out she was a mermaid), Eating (tries to watch her diet...heheh),  walking to new, undiscovered places.

Fears :  Complete darkness, Losing precious memories, Dogs

Style : Dresses in mainly casual clothing. You can say she is a bit of a tomboy but when she is forced told to put on dresses, she will do so just to feel like she is a princess.

Casual : 






Formal : 


Royal wear : 


Background : Alexis was born in the Philippines, then lived in Korea until she was 4, then grew up in the tropical like town of San Deigo. Growing up, people thought Alexis was weird. She would always laugh at strange things. People could just never relate to her at all. Until one day, now 17, when her and her family went to a beach that was 5 minutes away from where they lived. Alexis was never allowed to step in salt water, her parents said that she wouldn't be able to swim since they never taught her. Tired from not being able to do the things other teens could, she decided to step into the water when her 2 older brothers were distracting her parents. The moment she stepped into the water she felt this, incredible sensation surge throughout her body. She felt like she was being lured into the ocean. She kept moving deeper and deeper into the ocean. "Alexis!!!", her mom called out, but she couldn't hear her. A familiar song was heard in her head. It almost sounded like a lullaby. Alexis then dove into the water feeling like she belonged in the water. She soon noticed that she didn't need to breathe. She started to swim and when she tried to kick her legs, like how her brothers did, she saw something that completely took her off guard- a mermaid tail. She couldn't believe it. Her mother had said that mermaids were only mythical creatures. When she had come back up to the surface, she saw that her mom and dad had worried expressions on their faces.

When she got closer to the beach, her tail had disappeared and her legs were back. There was so many questions racing through her head. Her parents pulled her aside from her brothers so they wouldn't hear who Alexis really was. Her parents explained to her that she was actually adopted from a woman who looked extremely beautiful, her real mother.They said that the woman was trying to hide her from the possibility of being killed. Her parents told her father was actually Triton and her mother was a mermaid. Alexis, still shocked that she now realized what she was, asked for more information. Questions like "What's my real name?", " What is my mom's name", " Do they know I'm alive?". They only answered her last question with "Why do you think we've been living in countries that have beaches?? Yes, they do know you're alive, but they wanted to make sure you were ready to become a princess when the time was right." Alexis nodded and accepted the fact that there was a place she belonged, and that place was Atlantis.

She said her goodbyes to everyone and traveled to her real home. When meeting her dad, she was scared at first, I mean Triton's pretty huge! But that didn't stop Triton from hugging his long lost daughter, soon to be princess. She then met her mother. Alexis felt her eyes watering up, even though they were underwater. That lullaby, it was her mother's voice. " I knew one day you would return to me, my little Mutya.. " "Mutya? Is that my name?" Her mother shakes her head. " In Filipino, it means pearl." Her mother explains. "Your real name is Allyiana (ai-lee-ana)" " Allyiana? it evens sounds like its my real name.. " Alexis/Allyiana whispers. " But, you can keep which ever name you like." Her mother smiles. " M-Mom... what's your real name?" Alexis/Allyiana asks. " Tusikino.. its meaning relates to the moon. Your father was attracted to me, kind of like how the ocean is by the moon." Tsukino giggles, reminicing. Soon after meeting her parents, Triton decided to send Alexis/Allyiana to the Academy of Royal Training. There, she will be able to learn more about her people's history, but importantly, about herself.

Family : 

Celia Young/Adopted mother/ 38/ Really protective and nuturing

John Young/ Adopted Father/ 40/ Funny, Loud, wierd, and fun.

Darren Young/ Eldest adopted brother/23/ Athletic but lazy and caring

Jay Young/ Middle child & 2nd oldest adopted brother/ Can be mean but caring, funny, and is a couch potato

Triton/ Real father/ immortal/ Funny, lovable, Loud, and mighty

Tusikino/ Real mother/ 37/ Caring, Sweet, lovable

Friends :

Minyoung( miss A)/ best friend/ 17( in story) / loud, funny, caring, crazy.Only real friend of Ally.

Position : Youngest daughter of triton ( at the moment.. tehehe)

School year : 1st year

Creative Gift :  Water manipulation and levitation: can make water form into any shape and can throw water at any targets (moving and unmoving.)

Powers : Ability to quickly change her tail to feet when she gets close to land.

Love interest: 

Kevin Woo (Ukiss)

Blessed bloodline

Wing color: golden


-Shield : protects the people he cares about with shield force field

-Light Ray : can make a dark area bright with the snap of his fingers


Back-up love interest : 

Moon Jongup (B.A.P)

Were Bloodline


- Echo Roar: When extremely mad or worried, he will release a roar heard up to 10 miles away. Can also use it to warn others.

- Shift control: unlike others, he is able to control when and where he shifts thanks to practice. He can also control another werewolf's shifting powers.

Love interest's personality:

Kevin always likes cheering people up whether its a simple joke or he lets them cry on his shoulder. He will basically do anything to make someone happy to an extent where he buy them food! Kevin categorizes himself as being a "Nice guy" where he's always ending up in the friend zone. That doesn't mean he's giving up! He tries his best to smile, even when he's feeling down. When Kevin meets Alexis/Allyiana/Ally (hahha so many names!!) , he swears he feels like she will be the one to break his "friend zoned" curse. Kevin is also really outgoing, loud, and laughs really funny, making people around start to laugh too. ^^

Back-up love interest's personality :

Jongup is known to be the player at the academy. He practically dates 2 girls the same month then  brakes up with them after the 3 months mark. Every girl knows he is a player but that does not stop them from thinking they can change him. When he first meets Ally, he thinks she is just another curious mermaid but turns out she is not what he expected. When he says a pickup line to her, she just brushes it off as if it was not meant for her. This makes Jongup more and more curious in Ally, making him fall head over heels for this new mermaid.

Rating: M. I was wondering if you can put a scene where kevin and ally are at the beach ,near sunset and they finally lose their ity to each other.( of course after dating for a while... teehhhee)

Questions/Comments : nope! ^^

Class fee : 






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