Rant on Uneducated Fangirls

I've talked to one of my friends who I enjoy Kpop with. Usually we keep finding really stupid things on youtube videos about KPOP stars. I personally love them. But sometimes the comments are just SCARY. Really. I haven't been on a SINGLE video that doesn't include 

1) OMFG _____ is SO ( insert weird adjective like Hawt, y, Gorgeous ..yummy? ) I WANNA _____ him/her!!

2) The ______ people who disliked this are probably Justin Bieber Fans. 

3) Or some people just decided to have a flame war. 

It bothers me because I usually have to COMMENT on those vids saying something funny or so and then I see a bunch of ty comments are clogging up the page. Then my usually joking one ends up getting top rated. 

Sometimes fangirls only talk about the singers/dancers appearance, which is very shallow. The comments are always the same. You're calling them hot, y, gorgeous, godly, yummy (wtf is this!?) , and even tappable/bangable ( okay, now that's just retarded vocabulary )

Second, what's wrong with Justin Bieber, i haven't heard him sing AT ALL. But I know that he's talented enough to get into the music industries. I don't want to hate on this kid. He's just a boy. Everyone calls him a girl because of his vocal abilities. It's actually considered very good in some cultures for men to have a feminine voice. Think of COSPLAYING. You can't act the part if you're a guy crossdressing as a girl and then you sound all manly and all. 

Also, what if someone likes this song/group/singer/dancer/actor and also like Justin Bieber. STOP USING HIM AS THE PUNCHLINE OF YOUR UNEDUCATED JOKES. 


Flame Wars are actually very annoying because what if the actual star of the video sees this and goes "wow. Instead of seeing comments that make me feel good, I'm here reading a 6 page long flame war about me. I'm totally fine with having Anti's because I'm famous. " 


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