Username: Enieez (http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/325832)

How active are you: 92 Out Of 100

Nicknames: (Enieez)







Birth Name: Park Hyemin

Nicknames/Stage name "ideas": Ririe

Stage name: Ririe

Date of Birth: 13 March 1996

Nationality: Korean

Birthplace: Busan,South Korea

Languages Spoken: Korean (Busan Dialect but learns to talk Seoul Dialect too)

                                   Japanese (Fluent because she take a Japanese class since primary school)

                                   Chinese (Just Basic)

Blood Type: AB+

Postition: Maknae & Lead Vocal

*Back Up Position: Lead Rapper & Sub-Dancer

Height: 167 CM

Weight: 49 KG

Siblings: Just herself (She did not have any other siblings)

How you were discovered: Hyemin loved to sing,dance,and rap. She had all the three talents. Her parents really supported her to become an idol. Becoming an idol was Hyemin's dream since she was 10 years old. At school, she always particapated singing competitions and always got number 1. She was a member of her school's dance club too.She did a lot of kpop groups dance cover. She was a fan of SECRET and B.A.P. She enjoyed pop,hip hop,rock,jazz, R&B and many other than that. One day, her parents told her to audition at TS Entertainment because the company was looking for new trainees. So,she decided to go to TS Entertainment for an audition because she really hoped that she can become a superstar and because of her parents. She had show her amazing singing skill,dancing skill and rapping skill. The CEO of TS Entertainment really attracted to her talents. Then,she became a trainee at TS Entertainment at a very young age.

Trainee years: 2 Years and 1 month at TS Entertainment.



Who: Hayoung

Age: 16

Group: APink

Reason: Hyemin was the same age with APink's maknae,Hayoung. Hayoung was a cute and talented maknae of APink.Because of this, at the internet, peoples will always make a difference of Hyemin and Hayoung.When, Hayoung saw the articles of them,she said that ROSE's maknae will never ever can beat the top spot of number 1 maknae. She hates Hyemin so much. At variety shows, Hayoung will pretend that she was good with Hyemin.



Who: Jung Daehyun

Age: 20 Years old.

Group: B.A.P

How you met: Hyemin was a new trainee at TS that time when SECRET and B.A.P members came to visit new trainees.Daehyun was suprised that Hyemin came from Busan too.He got so excited because he had a junior from his hometown.When both of them talk to each other,they will talk in Busan's dialect. Since that day, their relationship became bestfriends. Daehyun took care of Hyemin really well just like a brother and sister.

Relationship: Senior to Junior.


Personality: Hyemin is a kind-hearted girl.Although she was still at a young age, she really likes to help people.She will always go to the orphanage and old folks house to cheer them up.She entertains them,play with them and even bring clothes and foods for them. She thought that she was lucky to have her parents.She loves her parents so much.She wants to be a good daughter to her parents.She will never ever want them to feel sad.She plays the guitar for the children at orphanage.The children really loves her and used to be with her.Besides that, she is also a girl that looks serious but actually she loves to play and jokes with everyone.When people try to know her, people will realize that she was a friendly and caring person.Hyemin is a person that can't be easily get angry.She is a very patient girl.It was so hard to make her angry.She will always just smile and people can't even know if she has problems.She is a hardworking girl too. She will finish all of her schoolworks in time and always practise to improve her singing and dancing skill.She will not lose hope easily.She is a strong girl.A girl that can't be easily cry.But other personality, she talks a lot too and laughs a lot. When she became an idol, she intense to speak in Seoul dialect but she will always make cute mistakes still have Busan's dialect in her talk.


On Stage: Loves to make heart shape with her hands when finishing performances, Loves to smile to the audiences, and always determined to perform the best.

Off Stage: Loves to make jokes with her members, making aegyos, and a bit naughty. She really talks a lot.


Likes: Chocolates,Cooking,Helping Peoples,Musics,Dancing,Singing,Taking Cute Selcas,Music instruments especially guitar and piano and updated her Twitter account.She likes to reply comments from fans too.

Dislikes: Cockroaches,Vegetables,Watermelons,Mathematics, and Rude peoples.

Hobbies: Watch movies, Listening to songs, Singing, Cooking, and Taking Selcas.

Habits: Bit her lips when she is feeling nervous, Sweats a lot when she is tired, and sleep talking (She will just answer what will people ask her when she is sleep talking).





Name of your Idol/Ulzzang: Suzy (Miss A)




Password: "Author-nim, you're amazing".

Comments: This is so great and I am feeling so excited and looking forward to this group..!!! ^___^ You're amazing author-nim!!! I hope 'Park Hyemin' can be one of ROSE members.

Suggestions: Now,I have no suggestions because you're great author but I hope ROSE can join many of variety shows in the story such as Weekly Idol,Immortal Songs,Hello Baby,Let's Go Dream Team and Strong Heart.That's what I think.


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Because Jiyoung is taken as a rival, I'm going to use Suzy, okay?