Application Form | ROSE | Ashley


Username: xKawaiiNekoHime

How active are you: 95%

Nicknames: Azuma




Birth Name: Kim Ae Sook

Nicknames/Stage name "ideas": Ashley

Stage name: Ashley

Date of Birth: 4th March 1997

Nationality: Canadaian-Korean

Birthplace: Vancouver,Canada

Languages Spoken: [Fluent]English,Korean [Basic] Japanese [Conversational] Chinese 

Blood Type: A+

Postition: Maknae,Lead Vocalist

*Back Up Position: Main Dancer,Visual

Height: 167cm

Weight: 52kg

Siblings: 0

How you were discovered: Street Casting

Trainee years: 2 years in SM, 2years TSent.



Age: 23

Group: MissA

Reason:  Jealous of her and wants everything Hwa has.they used to be best friends until Jia kissed her crush (Sandeul) in front of her,and he kissed back passionatley.


Who: Jung Daehyun

Age: 19

Group: B.A.P

How you met:As you know that Hwa is sporty too sometimes,She went to a mall her dad owns in Korea and saw new Soccer shoes.She saw the someone else wanted it too, but the secret that this mall is hers she had to keep it.She went and politely asked him to give it to her as she layed her eyes on it first. But he refused and became very selfish as he is rich and all. She then started to show her true self being cold and sarcastic they started bickering on those shoes. Daehyun even told her that this Mall belongs to his future Father-in-law whose daughter is my future wife but he is against the wedding and still he practically is not going to get married soon and he went going on with his history.Ashley was really hating him now,as she knew that this is owned by her dad and noth is future-dad-in law and so she found him a liar. but it was true, Daehyun parents had fixed it long back but Ashley was never aware of she just let him speek and speek till his concentration goes off the shoes.Thats when Ashley played a prank on him and walked away with the shoes giving him a playful Smirk.

Relationship: Frenemies, Bickering alot.


Personality: “The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on an individual level. It's got to happen inside first.” 

She has a super sweet personality.She can be Cold sometimes but thats what old people call younghood.She always feels that she can have some need of freedom.Gets Personality disorder sometimes.She wont let you have peace.She jokes aroung being the sweet Person she is.She acts all cool and y on stage but in her dorm she is a bubbly-cute person.
She knows when to work hard and when to let it all go.She makes the atmosphere happy, and knows stressbusting.She is also a huge trouble maker, when she has the emo-style of hers,She will grab her Electric Guitar and play it LOUD. she likes it when other members get irritated.
She can be a real big prankster.Theres not even 1 person who has not been pranked by her.She is the queenka of her school,but not arrogant, she is kind,helpful,social. She loves playing Video Games its like Life to her.
She loves getting presents. Apart from to COOL-COLD-Non talkitive behavior of hers, She actually is A warm person with a golden Heart.She was given this title when her school mates found her on the streets, singing and dancing for an orphan who played the Violin and gathered money in the streets.


On Stage: y, Cute Bubbly...talks alot and most social in the group.She has many ways to do fan service and can do anything the MC asks her to do. from eating spicy fool to showing flexibility.

Off Stage: Prank Mode=ON! sometimes she googles up some joke to present to her members the next day...loves irritating her UNNIES alot! and likes causing trouble alot as a typical maknae.



  • Dancing
  • Cooking (Masterchef)
  • Weapons
  • Composing music
  • Animals
  • Sports
  • Rapping
  • Stars,Planets
  • Dolphins


  • Crowdy areas
  • Sad atmospheres
  • Turtle necks
  • Playboys
  • Pressure
  • Bullies
  • Coffee
  • Untidy


  • Playing Sports
  • Taewondo,Karate,Wushu,Kung Fu
  • Swimming with fishes
  • Singing made-up songs
  • Editing AMV's
  • Rapping in different languages.


  • Biting nails when nearvous.
  • Stammering when embaressed.
  • Cursing in Different languages.

Persona: Prankster


Password: Author-nim,Your Amazing!! Shinchayo! :P

Comments: sorry if it kinda messy :P

Suggestions: Date?? Kiss??





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So... I'm guessing "Hwa" is supposed to be "Ashley" right?
ahahaha,, Great! I really liked your Love line plot!
yes. ( ̄ー ̄), i know I'm amazing~