Waiting that is not worth waiting

You guys remember from my previous post where i said that i'm starting to like my guy friend right.

well anyways, i already did confess but he never really said anything back and our friendship is still the same which im thankful for.

so yesterday, there was a dance at my school. Both my friends went with dates and i was the awkward lonely dateless person/third wheel to them. One of my friends keep running off but her date wanted to dance so i dance with him(he's younger then me XD) but she comes back and gets mad.

so the last hour of the dance, i sat down so that she will actually dance with him. Then my friend, the one that i like, finally saw me an was like "Why arent you dancing?"

My response: "I came with no date, tired of being the third wheel, and i dont want to take my friends date from her everytime she runs off."

Yes we did talk for a while. God you have no idea how many time through out the night i was waiting for him to come talk to me. Anyways he was really sweaty, like soaking sweaty so i told him to go get a drink. he did and came back we talk for a while and he said, "Shot i cant find my car keys. I'll be right back don't move yet."

And i sat there waiting, and waiting, and waiting. 8-10 songs later, I'm still waiting. My two friends and their date tried to convince me to dance with them but i denied and said that i'm waiting for him.

After a long time, my friend(the one that always runs and leave her date behind) got mad, went into the dancing crowd, found him, and drag him to me.

By then, i was already disappointed, sad, depress, etc. I guess me waiting there for some guy i like made me realize, the more i wait the more its never going to happen. And so he tried to make me dance and i told him straight up, "It's not worth it."

He tried to keep convincing me but i keep denying it so we went out to get air and talk some more. He finally said, "At Senior Ball, i'm forcing you to dance." And i told him. "If you find me then maybe i will, but i doub it so it wont be worth wasting your time."


So i'm guessing, i'm done with guys. It's always me waiting but getting nothing in return. It's always me doing the fighting when they do nothing. I don't know. I'm tired of being hurt by the one i like/loved. Maybe I'll just go kidnap Key one day like i plan too! XD

anyways that was my lame boring sad night! XD


fyi if you read my other blog, my initial are C.L.


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Awh. I'm really sorry for you. Guys like that aren't wwaiting for, tbh. I hope you find the guy that's willing to treat you right soon <3 (:
I'm sorry ;( Well, you're right what waiting isn't worth the wait...at least for this particular guy. You'll find one day that there is one guy who is worth waiting, because you will be worth waiting for him. I hope you understand that (it was quite confusing to type). Hopefully you'll get over this guy, and move on to someone better. starlove hwaiting!
coercion #3
awh. Feel bad for u...
But...waiting. people say that patience is the key.
But it's actually not. As you wait, you slowly bottle up the feelings inside of you....
Don't be done with guys! Just DONE with him. C: There is someone out there, playing hide and seek with you. ;) I know,I am like you too, who has to do all the liking and getting no love back. But we both have to believe that God set us up with someone out there.. WE JUST NEED TO FIND THEM. Possibly, God maybe have set you up with Key. ;) hehe. DON'T LOSE HOPE (:
LOrd_JY_ #5
AISH lemme KILL him noona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!he's STUPID for making MY noona SAD!!!!!!!!HMPH!!!!I'm gonna fly to there and KILL and KICK his this !!!
Oh maybe u can kidnap key as u said*innocent smile*
What a jerk. You don't need him unnie. Cheer up. Boys are dumb. XD
aww so sad...
but don't give up on guys just yet!!!!!
but maybe you are right, you could always just kidnap key!!LOL!!!!