So proud of Minho omg his singing is amazing! I always knew he had it in him!

My babygirl Hyuna, I'm so proud of how hard she works. And screw you if you disagree but she HAS gotten better in her singing. I love her so much for keep on trying to improve instead of just taking the easy way out and sticking to rapping. People non-stop try to knock her down and criticize her but no matter what she keeps doing her thing and being herself which shows just how strong she is.

And my Jongup gets a little better and a little stronger with each album. I'm so proud of my Moon Angel! ;___;

And Ricky omg omg omg I knew it! I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT! I was just waiting to finally see/hear it. My God I cried so hard when I listened to "Missing You". Seriously, I cried when I hear him, it was so amazing. I always knew it was there, I always believed in him even when it seemed like nobody else did!


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i love hyuna, i hate it when people say she's talentless because she obviously does have talent. she's probably more talented than half the people that hate her anyways... ;a;
jonguppie needs more lines whenever he sings hes so precious ;u;
omg i wish ricky had more lines too ~