I was being friendly, in my defense.


Today this one really hot guy called this one really nerdy kid a ' bag' and he also said  'So I guess you want to my ?' Then the guy poured his waterbottle contents ALL over the kids ipad (which is property of the school).

And me, standing in the sidelines, came out and said, "You'd be lucky if he, or anybody in that case, would want to even get close to your small ."

Then my anger kind of took over and I puched the extremely hot guy.

Turns out that 'extemely hot guy' holds no attractiveness whatsoever anymore.


At home my parents got mad at me for punching a guy again.



I was being friendly.


In my defense.


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kyuminhaehyuk #1
I love you 20x more just because of this! And it's funny how your school has iPads. I thought mine was one of only like 17 schools in the U.S that had them
HAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHA ARE YOU a male or female ? ((:
Good on you :')
omo! You were right to do that! You're amazing~ ♥
Eunhaeluv #5
omg i think i fell in love with you o.o
pilikpoplove #6
what you did was awesome XD