Hi again! *Go with It Subs*

Hi again stars!(☆_☆) well I wanted to tell you that my WiFi went out, and that's why I hadn't updated! Idk, I thought u should know!


Anyway, I have a lot of silent readers out there! I know I do! And It would make my day to have just one comment from those silent readers lol! If ur one! Just say something? PwEz? XD 

And to everyone! What do u think of the story so far? Do u like it? Is it too complicated? Is it not complicated enough? Idk! I must know how to please you all~ I MUST! Haha jk

But yea~ tell me your ideas and predictions! 


Have you been watching any K-Dramas or K-shows lately? If u have, what are they and do u like them? And if u haven't, what have you been watching??

K! Now I will wait with a smile for ur replies...if u send any xD lol BWYE!


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I've been rewatching hello baby and weekly idol
AptonKey #2
Quiet readers speak up