When we became the gods

Intro: The feeling of throwing your self into freedom. We are the impossibility that no one cares about. We are the mobility that keeps the world turning. We were casted from our throne and people began to act more like animals than animals did. We began to act as if we were the gods and god no longer existed. We threw our selves from the windows as god set our earth on fire. We were locked from our houses and our cages barred. No one, not a single soul said a thing. So we revolted. We threw up our hands and picked up our swords. The winds blew but we did not shiver. I picked up my sword and traveled the world looking for the power source of this madness. With my followers I killed, destroyed, and ravaged all that blocked my path. When I figured out that the power source was a man. A human man that I can find. 

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Yes, I'd totally read it~