‎[NEWS] F(x)‘s Krystal and SHINee‘s Taemin have been revealed to be dating!


On January 20th, SM Entertainment announced, “They had a senior/ junior relationship until they began dating. They’ve been dating for about a month now. When Krystal was going through some difficult times, Taemin consoled her. Because of their busy schedules, they’ve only been able to go out to eat and other dating activities three times so far.”

SM Entertainment also announced, “They do have good feelings towards one another, but they’re still getting to know each other. It’s only been a month so far. Please watch over them for a bit more.”

An associate of the two revealed, “The f(x) and SHINee members are all close to one another. They depend on and look to each other for consolation. Ahead of their Japanese comeback, their relationship has gotten a lot deeper through support meetings.”

The two were caught confidently dating on the early morning of January 18th, the day Taemin returned from SHINee’s Japanese concert. After drinking coffee at a take out cafe in Kangnam, the two drove around the area before parking near Taemin’s home. For an hour, the two walked around the neighborhood and around the park before settling at the ‘Sky Park’ in Sangam-dong.

Seeing the two hold hands side by side was definitely a heartwarming sight for reporters on the scene. The two apparently used every spare moment in their schedules, as they met up again on the early morning of January 19th to walk around the back alleys of Hongdae.

What’s amazing is that they didn’t hide who they were at all. In the car, Krystal would roll down the windows and stick her head out to observe the night view.

An associate of Krystal’s explained, “Innocence is Krystal's charm. She may have begun promoting early, but she’s not affected by that at all and still manages to preserve her innocence. Lee Taemin probably fell in love with her pure charm.”

Via: milkymushytaem


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Honestly I kinda don't like Krystal. I prefer the other members of f(x) over her. Innocence? Please give me a break :). I think this is only a rumor. January? Never heard of it. Taemin is my bias in SHINee and he is the reason why I fell in love to K-pop. I never heard this dating stuffs. I also think this is fake or a rumour. Sorry but all the things I wrote came from me, my own opinion. We all are different so if you believe then believe. If you love the pair then love the pair, I just have my own brain working so I believe in what I want to believe. We all have different points of view. I am only speaking my mind out ^^ peace
Hurricane-Venus #2
If this was in January...why am I just now hearing about it?
both of them are my biases.... I SHIP THEM *u*
i think it's fake XD sorry~
Are you absolutely sure?
This could be a rumour lmao