Two-sided love: Comments and you

Since Martina told me so haha, here it is.



Let's play a game. I'll describing one thing and you have to guess it, okay?


It goes like this: When you have them, you are likely to ignore them. But without them, you feel miserable.

So, what is the answer to that question?

If your answer was parents, then, ha, you're right too. But that's not the topic I want to cover today.

The topic is about comments and reviews.

Reviews aren't comments and vice versa. A comment can be "Wow, that's cool" or "That was bad". They can be blunt, they can be nice, they can be everything. But they can't be reviews. A review is way longer than a comment. A review looks at details; it points out the good and bad parts of a movie or a story and a reviewer looks at everything – at grammar, style, flow and the plot. Compared to the comment, it is formulated nicer and in detail.

Now guess which one of them helps an author more in writing. Yes, you're right, reviews.

I know, the section below this chapter is titled Comments. But you still shouldn't just write "update soon". Update soon (and its varieties) is one of the worst comments a writer can ever get. It's even worse than your writing , because the latter one is still a sort of a feedback. Update soon means for me that I should go on with this story. I got it; it is some sort of praising (even if it's bad), but please tell me why I should go on with the story. Is it because I write so well? Is it because the story is so awesome? Or is it simply because you like your oppar so much? See what I mean? Update soon is imprecise and it's frustrating for a writer to read that.

Something that bothers me too is when people comment the plot. For some, it is nice and it helps getting new ideas, okay; but I just can't stand that. "Myungsoo and Sungyeol are soooo nice together" or "please confess already!!!!" (when the two main characters won't confess) is no big help in improving as a writer. It's still nicer than "update soon please", yeah, but it's still annoying to read that. Okay, I admit that I write comments like that too sometimes, but I always add something like: great chapter or nicely written.

I'm not saying that you should write a review now. There are shops that do things like that already. I'm just saying that comments are, unless you are friends with the author, the only way to communicate with the writer and that you should put elements of a review in your comment. For example, simply write what you liked about the newest chapter, if you are really this lazy. If you liked how the author pointed out Woohyun's feelings, then write it! If you could relate yourself easily with the OC, then write that down! Things like that help in becoming a better writer, not just "update soon" or "xx and yy are so nice together". Even when you say "OMG this brings me to tears" or "I had to laugh all the time xD", it will help the author, because he obviously describes the tragedy/comedy extremely good. On the other side, if there is a typo in the chapter, say that too, because the author (obviously) missed that one! If there is just any kind of mistake in the story, be it in terms of logic, style or grammar, write them down and show the author their mistakes! Don't be afraid to write your comments longer than the comment box can show – the things you wrote will be still displayed.

But, please be nice when you point out the mistakes of one chapter. Many people can take criticism, but some not, especially ten-year-olds. Remember when you were ten? Were you able to take criticism? I bet not. So please, don't be too harsh when you point out their mistakes. A good tip is to begin first with the nice things, like I like the way you write or something, and then you can add a nice but, and then type all the mistakes down. You still write the mistakes, but it will be written in a nicer way. It's like friendzoning someone – you can't just say I don't want to go out with you, go away because the other person also has some feels (obviously, otherwise he wouldn't like you, right?). But if you say I'm sorry, but I just like you as a friend, it will be said nicer, even if it still has the same message.

TL; DR: "Update soon" and commenting on the plot . Commenting on things you liked / disliked helps a writer to improve. Don't be too harsh when you point out the mistakes.

Okay. Let's say that you got a nice comment, covering all these things that I mentioned now. Assume that the reader liked your newest chapter and that you pointed out xx's feelings very well. What now?

I'll give you four options.

  1. dance Gangnam Style because you are so happy now

  2. go out with friends and party hard because someone liked your comment (OMG WHAT A MIRACLE!)

  3. reply

  4. shrug and do nothing

Let me first point out the wrong ones and why they're wrong. A is wrong because hey, Harlem Shake, anyone? Gangnam Style is just so outfashioned now. B may seem right at first glance, but let's think that you get a comment every day. I mean, that's also a reason why you should party hard, but at the end of the day, you will have no more money because of all the parties you made simply because you just got a comment. And please, how many people would come to your party because you got a comment? I wouldn't attend (except when your story got featured; that's when you party hard). D is also wrong because it shows how lazy you are. Do you not feel anything when someone writes how well you write, or are you really this cocky? Tsk.

Obviously, the right answer is c, replying.

That's something not many authors do on aff and that's making me angry. These readers take their time to read your fic and they even are nice enough to write update soon a comment to your story and you're just ignoring it? That's what makes me angry and it doesn't make sense at all. I mean, you want comments, but do not thank when you get them? It's really bad manner, and yes, even in the vastness of the Internet, there is something called netiquette. Sadly, the younger people (especially in my country) also tend not to say thanks and please. It angers me because hey, some appreciation, please? Just writing a thank you for your comment works, really, and if you're this lazy, just write thanks. But please write anything. That would be really nice, thank you.

TL; DR: Thank the users who take their time to comment on your story. Please.

To sum it up, receiving comments is like a relationship between two persons – it is a love that comes from both parts. People comment your story, you thank them. Don't forget that the relationship between reader and writer is a very special one – especially on sites like asianfanfics where readers have the opportunity to say something to the writer. This is really a blessing (unless it's not a flamer or something like that). Again, appreciate your comments and feel free to reply to them.

Oh? So you're saying that I have no frickin' idea what I'm saying? Don't delude yourself with the date I joined aff. I may seem like a rookie about fanfics, but I do have some experience in writing and fanfictions. And, okay, if you're not listening to me, then let me just say that oppar / unnir / what-so-ever would also say thank you if you would say that he / she is talented or if the newest track of them is nice, right?

Dear readers, please leave a comment when you're reading a fic. And dear writer, please write thank you when the reader commented your fic. Okay? Everything will be fine then.


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Rosechan #1
You seem like a very logical person!

So why do you ship MyungYeol?
Okay, just had to say that =P