Writers block



t seems I'm not getting anywhere with my stories, which not just for me but for my subbers. I am trying to scale it down and not open 4 wordfiles at one time and try to write everything.

Tonight I'm writing on "walls".
Tomorrow I really need to work on "monkey king" since it has been way to long... like 4 months since I last updated. 

Honestly I feel I need someone to stand over me and nagg me to just write write write untill the block goes away. 

Also my story "maybe later" will most likely go into scrap. I haven't even started writing it yet. I know what I want to write..but since it's based on a RL thing it just doesn't seem to be anything anyone will want to read.. which means changing the ending. And somehoe I don't want that. The ending as it would be right now is not fun, exciting or anything interesting. 

I need work out a timeline for my longrunning fics, which at this point will be "monkey king" and possiby "walls". Cause it's not that I lack time... it's that I don't feel like using my time to do anything more then read fics, watch tv, and sleep... 
I get creative bursts now and then though... they just don't last very long.


yes...I have a prolem with following through. It's always been this way. I am great at planning, I love planning, and I bring tons of energy to the table. But when it comes to carrying out what I start... it get's tricky.


But I'm working on it. And all of you out there feel free to nagg me. I'm not saying I like it but at this point I need it. 



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I'll politely nag you for Monkey King XD