♫A mermaids to human♫ ( Seol Ru )



                           A mermaid to human 



All about me:

Username: LeeHyeRi-ah

How often are you on: 9

How should I call you: HyeRi.

My mermaid life:

Story Plot: 

  • The one that can't move on.

    She is the quiet one of the group. Never is the one to talk a lot, scream, or make many noises. Her past has been her bolder in her path. The reason she can't move on. In her past she had a friend. That friend? Was her crush. They both were a couple, but a terrible storm flew him away. She never seen him since then. She has never loved anybody again, she has changed since that tragic day. Her sisters know about her tragic past and would never mention it. They even knew him too, since he was her boyfriend. She went to the human world because her sisters wouldn't stop bugging her to go. But finally she went with them. The sea witch saw how much she suffered for her tragic past so she took the memory of him away. She doesn't remember anything about him, not even his name. When they went to the human world she meets a man. That she swears she saw him ones, but doesn't remember where. He takes her to his place and takes care of her, thinking she is a poor person that is lost. While she is with him she has this weird visions, as if she knows him somewhere but doesn't quite know where. He? He also feels that he knows her from somewhere but doesn't really know where. What will happen with this two confused love birds?



  • Yang Seol Ru


  • Soul
    They called her "Soul" because if her name is directly translated in Human English language it would be Soul. 


  • 18


  • She's the quiet one of the group. Although she may not speak that much but she has a lot of things in her mind.
    She is a resiliant young lady, no matter how tough the situation is she would always figure out a way to deal with it in a very calm and cool manner.

    She may seem a little aloof but she would always be the one thinking ahead of others as she analyse situations in a very precise manner and would take precautious steps to deal with the situations.
    Being the one who lost her memories, she's the one who carries a heart of faith, believing that she would finally meet the one she loved so dearly again one day.
    She repects and loves everyone including those who done her wrong. She firmly believes that everyone should have a second chance in their lifes. However if anyone crosses the line, she wouldn't hesitate and give you a piece of her mind in a very harsh manner to the point your jaw would drop, speechless or maybe even cry.
    She may seem rather cold and distance due to her quiet personality but in actual fact she is actually very sweet and gentle especially towards the people she cares for the most.

    She's trustworthy and very reliable. You can trust her to keep your darkest secrets that's because she respects people's privacy and would like the others to do the same if she were to tell a secret.

Family backround: 

  • When she was much younger, she was a hyper active child. She would do almost everything with her sisters and would always be the first one to help her parents whenever they call.
    She loves helping her father the most as he would always secretly bring her to the surface of the sea and take a few short glances at the human world.
    During bed times, her father would always bring her to the mermaid rocks to bath in the moonlight and tell her stories about the human world.
    She would always tell the stories that her father told her to her crush, the love of her life and the both of them would make a little Shakespear like play with the stories they share.
    Her sisters would often drag each other somewhere near to where human activities occur and observe each and every of their movements. They would even learn some human games to be played inthe sea.

Friends on the sea: 

  • Zinger | 18 | Female | Idol | Mermelia Hunter | Fiesty & Friendly | They would normally communicate whenever they have the time to meet each other as Emeralia is a Mermelia Hunter which protects and hunts down traitors of the ocean to bring to the King.

Friends on the human world: 

  • Suzy | 19 | Female | Idol | Singer | Sweet & Elegant | Suzy is very friendly and would always make anyone around her comfortable. As time goes by, Suzy managed to make Seol Ru to talk and they would talk very normally about almost anything.

All about myself:


  • Telling stories
  • The sea breeze
  • Swimming
  • Water
  • Marine lifes
  • Coral reefs
  • Drawing
  • Singing
  • The beach


  • Amnesia
  • Annoying people
  • Telling secrets out
  • Blackmails
  • Betrayl
  • Playboys


  • Drawing
  • Singing
  • Telling stories
  • Swimming
  • Taking a stroll down the beach


  • Keeping very silent whenever there's a conversation
  • Pouting when she's mad
  • Biting her lips whenever she gets excited
  • Humming to herself whenever she's alone


  • Her memories
  • Heights
  • Weird looking items
  • Leaves of a tree. (She sometimes mistaken the leaves for weird looking insects)



  • She has for beautiful looking things
  • She loves what human call "Rabbits". (She finds them undeniably adorable.)
  • She loves the color purple.
  • She has a mark at the corners of both her eye lids.

Your tail: 

  • Purple with a mixture of a glow of golden



My sisters...

The one that hates humans:

  • Since she's the oldest of the lot, she pays alot of respect for her. They would normally interact whenever there is something important other than that they would not talk but would acknowledge each other's presence.

The one who doesn't know about love:

  • She's the happy go lucky one in the group and the joke-ster. She would normally try to make sister smile but Seol Ru would just smile but whenever it comes to serious business, they would communicate with their actions.

The Dreamer:

  • She's closest to her since she's more of the umma than 'the one that hates humans'. She would always find her and consult her. She would even more out her inner feelings to her whenever the feeling in her was too much to handle.

The innocent one:

  • Since she's the youngest one in the whole family, everyone looks out for her. Seol Ru would even protect her to the extend of giving up her own life in exchange for her to live. Being the navie one, Seol Ru loves to come up with pranks and trick her whenever she feels like it but other than that she would always look out for the young one.

Beautiful as the sea...


  • Han Bom


Back-up ulzzang:

  • Kang Su Ra



  • As long as it is beautiful or simply elegant, she would wear it.

So this is love...

Love Interest:

  • Kim Jong In, Kai


  • He may seem cold and distant like Seol Ru at first but he's actually nicer than anyone thinks.
    He's smile is very radiant which would melt any ladies' heart in an instant and that sweet tongue of his would hook any ladies' attention.
    He seems like the mature and charismatic kind of guy but in actual fact he's very childish and can be very aegyo-istic too! He would make cold jokes just to make people laugh and cares a lot about people around him.
    He's sweet, very sweet. To show how much he loves someone, he would dance with her under the moon light at the beach.


  • 19


  • Marine Life-Saving Volunteer.

How did you meet:

  • While Seol Ru was swimming, she heard a dolphin crying for help near the shore and she immediately went to the poor dolphin's rescue. As she tried to pull the dolphin back into the water, she saw Kai helping her as well by lifting the dolphin's head up very gently and giving soft pushes to let it back into the oceam.

How do you act around each other:

  • At first they were pretty awkward with each other as Kai offered to bring her over to his place as he thought she was lost but after sometime they became rather close to each other and began talking even more like best friends would.


Back-up love interest:

  • Tao


  • He's bubbly and lively. He's like an entertainer whom would always be there to entertain you whenever you're bored.
    He loves make people around him smile with his cute antics. 
    He's very friendly and wouldn't hesitate to make friends with anyone.
    With a face like his, it's quite hard not to love him. He's just so adorable.



  • 20


  • Life guard

How do you meet:

  • While Seol Ru was swimming, she suffered from a serious muscle cramp. She was struggling in the water and Tao noticed and didn't hesitate to jump into the water to save her.

How do you act around each other:

  • It didn't took long for them to warm up with each other as she was very thankful for Tao saving her dear life. They simply interact like how friends would do.


Rival: NIL

Anything else?


  • This is such a fun app! I hope you like my character!

Scene request: 

  • It's up to you! Let your imagination take over the story!





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Ahh!!! :D I really love this ^_^