Someone called me an ulzzang

So I went to the mall today to go shopping then while I was going through one of the clothing racks in this certain store, a group of korean girls came up to me and started referring to me as "Unnie". Next thing you know, they asked if they could take a picture with me.

I was really confused because no stranger has ever done that before (wtf, who goes around asking people to take pictures with them lol) so I asked them why and what is it for and they started explaining how they think I'm an ulzzang. 

Man, I was really mindblowned! This isn't the first time this thing happened to me... Well, at least not the part where someone asked to take a picture of me but every time I go to this certain mall in my area, I'm always approached my different asian dudes and girls and they start guessing my ethnicity and what not. This ahjumma even thought I was korean! LOOL 

Kyeah, I know you guys don't care but I just want to share my excitement with all of you x) Me, an ulzzang? WOW. Just wow. Thanks for thinking that (whoever they were) 


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masha32 #1
Be my gurlfriend then looool jk, must be fun hanging out with koreans even for the short time ^^
Kyaaah, unnie must be really pretty. :))
Ooo do you have a picture you can show?
Ps: is it hot asian guys?!
wow! you really must be good lookig! I wanna see your pic unnie~