Cyberbullying: It's illegal

Please, let's take a moment to all of the thousands of people who have each ended their lives due to cyberbullying.

It does affect people. It does hurt. It is cruel.

Look to your left. Look to your right. Is anyone around you? Would you ever want them to hurt? Would you ever want them to look at themselves and believe that they're ugly, not worth it, horrible at their passion? Would you want your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your cousin, your best friend to ever feel that way? Would you ever want to feel that way?


Remember that when you put those fingers to the keyboard, you're only behind a screen, and no one will know it's you. But it can hurt. It could drive someone to the point of madness. It could drive someone to never stop wearing makeup, to stop eating, or to stop doing that one thing that they love; all because you, someone online that they don't even know, said something hurtful.

It's human nature to be liked. It's human nature to do what you're told not to do. But it's also human to have a heart.

Please, everyone. Before you click onto that confessions blog, think about what you're going to say.

Could it hurt someone? Would you be hurt or offended if a rude post was about you?


Think before you type.

Please comment on The original post (link below) to sign this petition. Once it is signed by 100 users, it will be sent to both Tumblr and AFF's Admin, Jason. If you will, please link and send friends to this link.


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I get that this and you want to stop it, but what's this petition going to do when someone decides to make another confessions tumblr, LJ, whatever again. It's not and if you really want to make a difference, tell the moderator of the blog to moderate the posts more heavily and change them so people can only make generalizations about AFF instead of singling people out.

And everyone is looking at all the faults of this blog and none of the good points about it. There are posts about authors being good, about certain fanficitons being good, and things people like. But with anything, there is always something bad, and everyone is focusing too much on the bad.

Yes, it's terrible that some people are leaving, but why should one author get upset about the few that dislike them, when they have plenty of people that enjoy their stories and how they are as people. Instead of focusing on the 1-10 buttheads that post crap on AFFConfessions because they are immature and jealous, people should focus on their 10-infinity subscribers and friends that like them on this site.

Everyone is making a big deal about this, when all it takes is a few people to complain to the moderator and have them change some of the rules regarding the blog to keep it more user friendly. Creating a petition is going to do nothing, because if it goes through, it's only going to be a little while before another blog gets posted again.

So instead of whining about this and just seeing the bad in it, look at the good and talk to the moderator and make a difference instead of taking away something that can be a good thing when moderated correctly.