❦ The Restorer — Application — [Shin Tae Hee] ❦

❦   the Restorer Application   

Shin Tae Hee

The Free Spirited One

Control Room     

Username: --rlabmidnight

Name: Yue

Activeness: 8-9




♊ Born This Way!   

Ulzzang: Mirae

Pictures: 1-2-3-4-5

Secondary Ulzzang: Baek Su Min

Pictures: 1-2-3

Description of appearance: She's about 5'4ft and weighs about 120lbs. She has mahogony hair that's about a little longer than shoulder length. Her eyes are blue-ish, green to match the sea.

Clothing preference: She'd only wear skirts once in a while. (she thinks they're bad for adventuring) She's most likely wear shorst and a pull-over/sweatshirt with a tee inside. (basiaccly all the clothes Mirae wears in the pics)





Name: [Shin] [Tae Hee] 

*Nickname: Tee Hee - her parents call her that since she was such a happy baby

Persona: The Free Spirited One

Age: 19

Birthdate: 27/1/1993

District: Water District, Karkantarf

Secondary district: Earth District, Antares




Who’s there?   

Personality: Tae Hee's a wild child. She loves to explore and meet new people. She can easily talk to people, making them love her personality. Sometimes, she doesn't listen to her parents and is care free. She loves to draw to calm herself down. She can get an inspiration anywhere. Water, trees, or even people. She's a born artist. She can indeed be lazy at times. If she has chores out on a nice day, she'd most likely not do it until late. She'd lay back and enjoy the day because you never know. The world could end the day after, or you might die. Her motto is "Enjoy life while you still can. You never know what you've got until it's gone." 

Although, she's sensitive. She can get hurt easily. She's absolutely terrible at comforting. If someone where wailing and crying about something, she'd just stand there awkwardly and whisper, "It's okay..." (one of her biggest flaws) So, that person would most likely take that as an "I don't really care" and really miss judge Tae Hee as someone who doesn't really care. But the thing is, Tae Hee does care. It's just really hard to show it. Her way of thinking is completely different. Sometimes, when people would tell her there's only one way to do something, she'd think outside the box and come up with something much better. For example, if you tell her how to bake a cake one way, she'll bake it a different way. Her way.  She's very good at telling someone's personality at first glance. She could tell if they were trying to fake their personality right away.

Happy – When Tae Hee's happy, she'd go out and explore. (although she probably, I said probably, already saw everything) 

Sad – When she's sad, she won't talk at all. She'd think about things in her mind in full depth,meaning she's in her thinking mode to keep her from breaking down.

Angry – When she's angry, her lip would twitch. She'll ball up her fist, but try not to express her anger. But if you go over the line, she'd most definately bash out.

Stress – When she's stress she'd paint or draw. She'd sit outside watching the beach and the waves hitting shore back and forth. But sometimes, if that doesn't help, she'd tryto sleep it off.

To strangers – She's nice and kind. But then again, she could know someone's personality right away. So, if it's someone she thinks she should stay away from, she'd just a a tiny conversation and quietly excuse herself and try not to run into them again.

To close ones – To family and friends, she can make them laugh in hard times. But usually, they're all relaxed and free spirited like she is. Although, she spends a lot of time on her own.

To love interest – Around her love interest, she's somewhat shy and awkward. But after a while, she'll open up more and have more conversations with them. She'd play around with  them and tease them once in a while. (but of course they tease back)



  • the water - it calms her down
  • sweeets - her weakness, never can get enough
  • the color blue - all shades but gray-blue. her eyes are blue-ish after all.
  • stories - spooky stories most of all. she thinks the feeling of being scared is somewhat funny.
  • to enjoy life - does exactlyas her motto states. yeolo



  • people who make dumb choices - although she can make some of her own, it's only human. (hehe don't take drugs kiddos LOL)
  • hot weather - she likes weather just in the right place. not too cold, not too hot. hot weather makes her feel sticky and well... dead.
  • fire - she nearly got burnt lighting a candle
  • tea - it's not one of her favorites. her tastebuds do not approve.



  • fire - she nearly caught the house on fire lighting a candle.
  • being embarrassed - if she's embarrassed, she'll never forget. she's winces at the thought of them.



  • drawing/painting
  • reading
  • relaxing
  • finding new things on her spare time




  • lip twitching when angry
  • judging people...
  • making people love her  free spirited personality
  • playing with her fingers - always wanting to create something out of art


  • she can be cunning. she'll lie if she needs to. you wouldn't even be able to tell
  • she's an only child now, after her sister died in a storm
  • sometimes, she has a slouching problem
  • she does indeed have a serious side to her. when in trouble, she'll fight. she knows how to defend herself well.
  • she's never been in love, although she always wondered how it felt. there's plenty of guys who like her, but just doesn't see them in a lovey dovey way. Just friends.




♒ Long ago…     


 Shin Dong-Yul || 54 || Father || Alive || 9 || passionate, artistic, optimistic, humorous

Park Ji Su || 50 || Mother || Alive || 6 || hardworking, supportive, protective (people often wonder if she's really Karkantarf)

Shin Hyo Jin || 10 (when she died) || Little Sister || Dead ||  10 (they were really close) || happy, freespiried just like Tae Hee, clever

History: Tae Hee lived a pretty normal live. She hung out with friends and always enjoyed learning new things. Hyo Jin, Tae Hee's sister, was really close with Tae Hee. The spent most of the time together, exploring, finding new things. They were so close because Hyo Jin was only a year yonger. Because of  Hyo Jin's brain level, she skipped a grade and happened tobe in the same class as Tae Hee. A sudden storm came one day, ruining house, killing many. The two sisters were outside painting and playing around when they finally noticed the strom coming in. They were too late. Since they were playing by the sea, Hyo Jin was dragged out and Tae Hee managed to escape. Of course, Tae Hee blames in on herself. (otl, sorry if that was too long XD) She would have never guessed she had a curse.

*Occupation: Here and there, she'd make money off her paintings. But not often.




ღ  Closest to our Heart

Secondary love interest: Huang ZiTao(Tao) || Earth District, Antares || He can come off a little strong at first,  but only because he is strong. He's kind and caring, willing to open up to people. The people he holds closest, is the one he worries of most. The loved ones are always on his mind. He's metally strong and physically. He's clever and can be playful.
How he acts around you: He's the first one Tae Hee coudln't actually tell about his peronality. On the outside, he looks like a tough, intimidating guy. She didn't know if she should stay away or approach him. He's the first to approach her. They love to play jokes on each other, but nothing too serious. Since Tae Hee's  sometimes shy around him, he'll always be the one to reach out to her.
*Suggested scene on how you first met: -

Main love interest: Suho || Water District, Karkantarf || He's a wise person. He reads all the time and loves to create stories of his own. He can play around, making people feel a lifted atmosphere around him. 
How he acts around you: He didn't talk much at first. But Tae Hee knew he liked to read, so she asked him to tell her a few stories. He happily told her some, and they clicked.
*Suggested scene on how you first met: n/a

Scene: all up to you author-nim. 

Is it okay if your main love interest die mid-story?: okay...fine.

*If yes, any scene request on how that happen?: OF COURSE NOT!  (hehe plot twist, he didn't die? *bbuing, bbuing*)




Unexpected Journey

Element: Water


Water whip || offense || It's a water whip. It'll leave severe scars on where ever hit. || 7

Water shield || defense || She can make a huge dome-like shape around her, made of water. It protects her from various attacks. She can make it frozen, which makes it more powerful. ||8- 9

Ice Shards || offense || They're shards made of ice. Mainy for stabbing and impaling people. || 7

Water Bubble || offense || It takes a lot of energy using this ability. It is a bubble, in which Tae Hee uses to encase people in and drwon them. (lol, violent XD) Mainly used when in great danger, or when very angry. There's no way of getting out of it. || 10

[Note: Refer to the gifts listed for your chosen district in the District List here. Of course you can improvise, but don’t go too far.]

Curse of Ajna: The ability to read people's movement before it happens.



ᶳ Reflection

Comments: Heh, my love interest can die, but that'd be really sad though... oh well. Let's just say I'm really nice? I dunno. But you said "main love interest", right? So then you'd get the second one, right? OTL I'm so selfish. If so, then Suho can be my first. Sorry Suho, you can die, but I still love you! lol

Suggestion: Gah, plot twist? 8D (you don't have to. It's your story)


 spirited away ftw


Congratulation for Surviving ‘till the End!




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Spirited away FTW indeed~