✍ ┊ these four years — SONG YUNSEO.

변화 - Beonhwa High School
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Basic Information
username: zelhoon
activity level: 10

name: Song Yunseo
nicknames: Seo-aegi (brother; she always acts like a baby around him)
"the exterior you": the shy, quiet one
dob + age: 02/22/97 + 16
ethnicity: Chinese-Korean
birthplace: Hong Kong
hometown: Hong Kong
languages spoken: Chinese and Korean
Grade Level: 9
Is this your first year on attending Beonhwa?
[x] Yes [ ] No


ulzzang: Song Ahri
links: o1
o2 o3 o4 o5 o6 o7
back-up: Kim Shinyeong
o1 o2 o3 o4 o5
style: same as the ulzzang's ( o1 o2 o3 o4 o5 o6 o7 o8 )
extras: ear piercings and a heart necklace given to her by her brother

height + weight: 155 cm + 44kg
any medical problems?: YES [x] NO [ ]
- major: none
- minor: iron-deficiency anemia


personality: Yunseo is socially awkward; it takes a rather long time for her to open up to new people or even be able to hold a decent conversation with someone. Yunseo would rather be alone, reading, listening to music, composing, writing, than socializing with people other than people she is close with; sometimes she would lock herself in her room away from everyone. She was sheltered by her brother all her life so she's super innocent and naive.
likes: tea, hello kitty, fairytales, bunnies, disney movies, music boxes,
ghosts, zombies, scary movies, grapes, coffee, being surrounded by people
habits: day dreaming, playing with her hair, picking her nails, looking at the ground as she walks
hobbies: reading novels, diving, composing, playing piano, playing violin, taking walks, listening to music
trivia: keeps a diary which she has written in since she was 5. she never goes anywhere without her composition notebook, used to have an orange tabby cat named Tangerine, she has 2 notebooks filled with compositions and is working on a 3rd notebook, no one besides her brother has heard her compositions

dream profession: (its okay if your character doesn't know what exactly she wants to be, and its okay if your character wants to dream big. most teenagers have dreams that are beyond reach. its okay if your character truly, truly wants to be a princess and stuff like that.) 


background: (1+ no overboard sob stories)
family members: ( name
┊age┊occupation┊personality in key words, or four sentences┊relationship with your chara )    

` father:
` mother:
` siblings: 
` others: ( important cousin, grandparents, aunts, uncles, optional. )

family status: (is your chara adopted, parents separated, etc.) 
financial status: (poor, rich, etc)


best friends: ( name┊age┊occupation, grade┊personality in key words, or four sentences┊relationship with your chara ; max 2 )  
friends: ( name┊age┊occupation, grade┊personality in key words, or four sentences┊relationship with your chara ; max 5 )
others: ( name┊age┊occupation, grade ┊personality in key words, or four sentences┊relationship with your chara ; these are people you talk to during classes and etc . but they're not really your chara's friends)   

rivals: ( name┊age┊occupation, grade┊personality in key words, or four sentences┊relationship with your chara ; max 2 )  
is there anyone you look up to in Beonhwa? ( name┊age┊occupation, grade┊personality in key words, or four sentences┊relationship with your chara ; max 2 ) 

which plots do you get along with the most? ( plotpersonality in key words, or four sentences┊relationship with your chara ; max 1 ) 
which plots do you heads with the most? 
 ( plotpersonality in key words, or four sentences┊relationship with your chara ; max 1 )


love interest: (from any group listed in the masterlist. if your bias isn't included, please pm me! no exo, btw.)
backup: (yepyep. for 'oops, secret spilled' your current boyfriend goes in this section.)
personality: (make a personality for ea love interest or make their personalities the same. 5 sentences min.)

relationship: (close? awkward? enemies? etc.)
how you act around ea other: (self esplanatory)

how you two met: (in school, outside of school, in 5th period? etc.)


a whole new world.

how did the popular girl approach you?: ( was she nice, mean? explain your first encounter with her. )
how does she taint your innocence?: ( does she tell you to smoke weed/cigarettes, drink booze, make out with that one hottie? )


comments/suggestions: ( anything! )
requests: ( i'll probably use it! ) 
password: ( -- )



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