Forgot Password?!

This is what happened to me this day. One of the most stupidest day of my life. Friday, March 15,2013.

Okay, so... i logged in my asianfanfic account, read some updated stories from my subscriptions, and did some stuff i can do in here. After like 2 hours, i decided i wanted to read some oneshot fics. however, because of my big finger tip, i accidently clicked the LOGOUT button above it. 

I freaked out, but then, i was like, "oh well, i can just log in again." (poker face)

And so I did. . but... LOG IN ERROR... WTF?! 

i tried logging in again, carefully typing my username and password, and then,,,, it was wrong again.. I was pretty sure I didn't forget my password. After 4 attempts, I decided to click the FORGOT PASSWORD.

I typed in my username in the box below the forgot password. it said, check your spams... then some i checked my email.. i'm using my ipad so i couldn't see the spam folder in the app. So i logged in my email account using safari. the moment i logged in, there was a pop up.. the 'type these forms.' (i34GHz) something like that.. i successfully typed it. then another pop up appeared, it said, " what is the first name of your oldest nephew?" itwas a security question. so i typed in the name of my oldest nephew. the first name. It was wrong. 

so i typed it again, with his middle name. Wrong again. I typed in his full name. Wrong again!! so i went back to type his first name only, slowly. Then....

ACCOUNT LOCKED TEMPORARILY- you will be able to retrieve it 12 hours from now.

WTFWTFWTFWTWFWTF!!!!!! I REALLY FREAKED OUT. it was so frustrating. i got really mad! mad at the technology, mad at myself for forgetting my freaking password. or did i really forget it?

so i texted my friends for help. They asked me what happened, i told them the details, and stuff. My one friend, the most helpful one, hehe, tried to log in my email account. she knows my username and password now since i told her. in order for her to help me. And she did help me. 

she logged in to my account using her adorable pc, sent a message to my alternate account, which is my mom's, reset your password. 

I logged in to my mom's account, and checked the inbox, it said, reset your password. my heart jumped a bit. and i felt relieved.

so i reseted my email password, logged in, checked my spams, and............. nothing, nothing about Asianfanfics Password related messages. I checked through it. till the last one of them. NOTHING... I suddenly felt like it was the END OF THE WORLD. 

i even told my friends.." I'm sorry, i'm not gonna be able to update my stories again. should i restart everything?" and they were like, "WAE?! nooo." 

my helpful friend tried to help me. I didn't want them to be dissappointed, but i couldn't do anything. i thought.

i felt like crying, how about my aff friends? my subscribers? the stories i read and fell in love with? should i restart again?

that's what I thought.

I went back to asianfanfic, stared at the log in boxes. the username, the password.. then i typed it.. still wrong. 

I lost my hope.

i tried typing it again for the last time. 


that was it. the end of it.


i gaveit another chance,


I Slowly typed inmy username first. 



isn't my username bunnyyeZZer?

I typed it again, hopeful.

The funny thing was, I SUCCESSFULLY LOGGED IN. 

I LAUGHED REAL HARD. literally laughed out loud my tears even came out.

it was a typo, my username. two letters, SS and ZZ..,

i then texted my friends, 

and they said.


the end! xD








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baekoppa_ #1
baekoppa_ #2
baekoppa_ #3
baekoppa_ #4
Mas não
baekoppa_ #5
Achei que tinha escrito errado '-'
baekoppa_ #6
Nem imaginava como estaria nesse momento
baekoppa_ #7
Nem imaginava como estaria nesse momento
baekoppa_ #8
Em 2013 eu tinha 10 anos.
baekoppa_ #9
9 anos atrás praticamente
baekoppa_ #10
Você nem deve mais lembrar da existência desse site
BAPdaebak #11
lol, i'm stupid too, i didn't tell you that I saw something strange about bunnyyeSSir xDDDD
BAPdaebak #12
YES! you're stupid chingu ! I'm gonna let the whole world know ! ahhaa, jk xDDD but seriously , i think that was pree stupid, lol don't hate me . cause you've been using this username for 1 year i think , but you still forgot it . bwahahahha ! memory gap teh !